Adding a Delivery Profile

Specify delivery through SFTP or HTTPS, define destination settings such as the server location for SFTP or the URL for HTTPS, specify authentication details. A delivery profile must be added before adding an export schedule.

Required system privileges: Export Schedules, Add/Edit/View/Delete Delivery Profiles, and either View Schedules or Add/Edit/View/Delete Schedules.

Additional system privilege to transfer ownership of the delivery profile: Transfer Ownership of Delivery Profiles.

You need to select a delivery profile when you add an export schedule. Add the delivery profile before adding the export schedule.

The owner of the delivery profile needs to have all data permissions assigned to access and export data from all subject areas used within the export configuration.

  1. In Reporting and Analytics, click the side navigation menu, click Reports, click Exports, click Schedules, and then click Manage Delivery Profiles.
  2. On the Manage Delivery Profiles page, click Add Delivery Profile.
  3. Enter a profile name and specify if the profile is public or private.
    Only the owner of a private delivery profile can add it to a schedule or change the assignment in a schedule.
  4. Select the delivery type.

    For delivery through SFTP, specify the destination server, port number (if different than 22), and folder path on the server. If you authenticate with a certificate, paste the certificate in the SSH Private Key text box. If you edit the profile at a later time, the key value does not show in the text box, only text that mentions a key exists shows in the text box. To change the private key, paste the new private key in the text box and then click Save. If you authenticate with credentials, specify the user name and password.


    • You can only use private keys in an OpenSSH format when authenticating with a certificate.

    • If you are using your own sFTP server, ensure it supports up-to-date SSH cipher suites. See 20.1.15 Features and Updates for the complete list of supported cipher suites.

    For delivery through HTTPS by posting to a URL, specify the URL of the receiving web service and then specify optional header parameters. Include header attributes in the post using token. Header parameters should be formatted as <key>: <value>. Separate multiple parameters by a line break between each header parameter. The export file name will be posted to the web service as a header parameter: filename: <file name as specified in the export schedule>.

    Example: A basic authorization to the external web service could be specified as: Authorization: Basic <authorization key>.

    Shows the Add Delivery Profile page with an example configuration for posting to a custom web service and specification of basic authorization within the header parameters.