23 Booking Sales

The Booking Sales page enables you to access and view menu items that were not booked in sales. You can use this page to:
  • Monitor the items and inventory coming in to the location or locations

  • Assign the appropriate POS system for your organization

There are four errors that can occur which result in unbooked sales:

Table 23-1 Causes for Unbooked Sales

Error Code Error Description


Menu item not found

This error occurs when Reporting and Analytics Advanced has not synced master data for the menu item yet. After end of day runs and information is sent from Reporting and Analytics Advanced to Inventory Management, you can manually book the sales. If the sales remain in the buffer into the following day, contact Oracle Hospitality Support to have the issue resolved.


Sales location not found

This error occurs if sales are sent to a revenue center that is not linked to a cost center. Before these sales can be booked, the revenue center must be linked to a cost center in the Devices page. Contact Oracle Hospitality Support for assistance with this step before moving on to book the sales.


Menu item inactive

Menu Items that are deactivated in menu item linking, but incur sales are stored in the unbooked sales buffer. You must activate these items in order to book their sales. Once activated, the sales book automatically.


Menu item not assigned to item or recipe

Menu items that are not linked to an item or a recipe remain in Unbooked Sales until they are linked. Once linked, you can book the sales.