Adding a Template to a Count Cycle

By adding a template to a count cycle, you are creating a template to govern its behavior.

  1. Click Maintenance, and then click Count Cycles.
  2. Click Refresh to view existing Count Cycles, click a Count Cycle, and then click Add Template.
  3. Enter the following information, and then click Save or Suspend:
    • Count Cycle Template : Enter a name for the Count Cycle Template

    • Inventory Type : Select the appropriate count type:

      • Spot Check: Select this option if items are usually counted mid-day with a minimal amount of items.

      • Partial Count : Select this option if items are counted weekly (for example, bread on Tuesday, meat on Friday, and so on).

        • Critical Count: Select this option to count only items that had large variances during the last inventory count.

        • Qty of Critical Count Items: Enter how many items are included in a critical count.

        • Only Items with Activity in Specified Time Period: Select this option to count only item that had transaction activity within a specified time period.

        • Time Period: Select User Defined, Current Month, or Last Month transaction activity.

        • Within Days: If you select User Defined as the Time Period, enter the amount of days of transaction activity for items to include in the count.

        • Full Inventory: Select this option to include every item in the location in the count. Booking a full count closes the financial period and prevents documents from being booked on dates prior to the inventory count.

    • Inventory At: Select when to commence the count.

    • Daily/Weekly: Select the days of the week you want the inventory count cycles to occur.

    • End of Month : Enable this option if you would like the Inventory Count Cycle to occur at the end of the month

    • Financial Period: Select this option to perform the inventory count with respect to your financial period, and then select the financial period from the drop-down list.

    • Closing Method: Select how to handle items left blank:

      • Set not counted to 0: Select this option to assume the item was meant to be left blank and return the item’s SOH to zero.

      • Set not counted to Theo SOH: Select this option to assume the blank item is a mistake and retain the current SOH of the item.

    • Scheduler Options: To perform any of the three actions listed and incorporate an offset of days (that is, days where the count is created, frozen, and booked), enter the numbers next to the actions.

    • Open Inventory Handling : Select how to handle existing inventory counts:

      • Set to status Not Counted: Select this option to consider the existing counts as not counted.

      • Book Inventory: Select this option to book the existing count.

      • Do not create new Inventory: Select this option for the system to delete the existing count before the new count is created.

    • Priority : Enter a priority for the count cycle. If two count cycles are valid for the same day (for example, daily count falls at the end of the month), the count cycle with the highest priority is used.

    • Partial Count/Spot Check Filter : Select filters for the count cycle template.

      • Only Expense Items: Select this option to include only items in the Expense category.

      • Only COS Items: Select this option to include only items in the COS category.

      • Without inactive Items: Select this option to not include any inactive items.

      • Without Items with SOH = 0 : Select this option to not include any items with no SOH.