Modifying an Order Calculation

  1. Click Maintenance, click Order Calculation, and then click Refresh to view all existing item groups.
  2. Click an Item Group from the list, make the necessary changes, and then click OK.
    • Quantity Method: Select the quantity method. If a site is set to use Suggested Ordering and you want the items to show suggested quantities in Ordering, set the items in the item group to either Average Usage, Net Sales, or PAR here or by specific item. Therefore, if the majority of the items in the group are suggested, then mark them as so and override the item level for those few that are not suggested.

      • Manual: Select this option to calculate orders based on the manual entry of quantities in ordering. Selecting this overrides the values set in Item Groups.

      • Average Usage: Select this option to calculate orders based on suggested forecast values and override any average usage values predetermined in Item Groups. Warehouse locations are included in this order calculation.

      • Net Sales: Select this option to calculate the quantity based on the forecasted sales information transferred from Reporting and Analytics Advanced and a factor required to generate $1000 revenue. Warehouse locations are not included in this order calculation.

      • PAR: Select this option to calculate orders based on PAR levels that are set in Manage Store.

      • PAR + Net Sales: Select this option to calculate orders using PAR and Net Sale methods.

    • Build to Days: Not used by Inventory Management.

    • Safety Factor: This is the "cushion" of the product. This helps to ensure enough products ares purchased or ordered.

    • Subtract SOH: Select this option to subtract the SOH from the total before the order quantity is calculated.

    • Add lead days usage: Not used by Inventory Management.

    • Rounding: In most cases, you select this option. For example, you cannot order 2.34 cases of an item. You could round down and order 2 cases, round up and order 3 cases, or round to nearest and order 2 cases.