Assigning a Standard Price to Multiple Items

Organizations using standard prices in their cost centers, which is configured in the Cost Centers and Locations module, can assign standard prices to several items at a time. Additionally, you can also assign different prices to different cost centers. This is helpful in the event that an organization has cost centers that use different currencies, which would result in very different standard prices.

  1. Click Master Data, and then click Items.
  2. Click Standard Price, and then on the Standard Price by Cost Center page, select the Cost Center.
  3. (Optional) Select an Item Group or an Item.
  4. Enter the Next Standard Price for the item, and then enter the Valid From date (if necessary).
  5. Repeat Step 4 for all necessary item.
  6. Once complete, click Save to remain on the Standard Price page by Cost Center or click Suspend to save the information and return to the Items Overview page.