Creating a New Cost Center

  1. Click Master Data, and then click Cost Centers.
  2. Click New, and then on the Edit Cost Center tab, enter information in the following fields:
    • Cost Center: Enter the cost center name.

    • Number: Enter a number by which to identify the cost center.

    • Account (Cost Center): Applies to GL and A/P accounts. Enter the cost center's account number that is in the Accounts Payable System.

    • Assigned To: Enter the parent level of the current cost center (location).

    • Default Main Store: Enter the default store from which the cost center can receive goods.

    • Taxes: Displays the taxes for the cost center. This field is automatically populated and is based on the location specified in the Assign To field.

    • Closed at: Displays the date of the last full inventory count + Close Cost Center/store on Stock take actions. You must perform both an inventory count and a Close Cost Center/store on Stock take for this field to update.

    • Close Cost Center/Store on Stock Take: Select this option to prevent users from editing or booking new documents in the closed period.

    • Exclude from Central Purchasing: Select this option to exclude the cost center or store from using central purchasing.

    • Using Transit: Select this option if the receiving store has to accept or decline booked transfers.

    • Warehouse: Select this option if the cost center or store is a warehouse. If selected, the location will appear as cost center option within the External Logistics page.

    • Advanced Storage Locations: Select this option to allow Advanced Storage Locations to be used by this cost center.

    • Enable Production on Transfer: Select this option to allow production and transfer in a single step. When a production item is transferred, the system requests for the number of items to be produced for this transfer and increases the stock on hand accordingly.

    • Allow to use Production Module: If the option Enable Production on Transfer is enabled, the cost center can no longer be selected in the Production module. Select this option to make the cost center to become available in the Production module again.

    • Use Sales Price for Transfer: Select this option for the cost center to use the sales price entered in the Items module instead of the calculated cost price.

      No VAT: Select this option to specify that there is no value added tax. VAT included in COS: Select this option to include the value added tax in the cost of sales .
    • Automatic Yield: Select this option to activate the Automated Yield process. A Scheduler job ensures that items defined as Automatic Yield are 'exploded' in the ingredients defined in the Yield Container.

    • Type: Specify the cost center type (cost center or store). Cost Center is selected by default.

    • Additional Fields: Displays country-specific fields. Some installations of Inventory Management do not include any additional fields.

    • Period Control: Defines the time the inventory runs for the cost center or store. If, for example, Month is selected, you cannot post transactions of the current month to the previous month. That is, you post all transactions at the end of the month. Only users with access right Booking in last Period Allowed can book in previous periods. This function is only active if Close Cost Center/Store on Stock Take is deselected.

      • None: The store is not closed until an inventory is performed.

      • Year: Only posts until December 31 are allowed.

      • Half Year: Only posts until June 31 and December 31 are allowed.

      • Quarter: Only posts in the current quarter are allowed.

      • Month: Only posts in the current month are allowed.

      • Week: The start of the week is defined by the system. After the weekend, only posts in the current week are allowed.

  3. Click the Address/ Account tab, and then enter the address and back office code details for the cost center.
  4. Click the Inventory Settings tab, and then select the inventory standards for the cost center to use:
    • Layout of Inventory Count Sheet: Select whether the cost center follows the global settings for the organization or uses a different count sheet layout.

    • Units Collection Method for Inventories: Select what units the cost center would like to use during counts, if any.

    • Closing Method: Select the default inventory closing method for the cost center. You can change this setting an inventory is being created, if necessary.

    • Allow Count on Multiple Hand Helds: Select whether the cost center follows the global settings for the organization or handles multiple counts differently.

      • Overwrite Counted Qty: Overwrites previously uploaded count values with the latest values.

      • Update Counted Qty: Consolidates all count values that have been uploaded.

  5. Click Save.