Creating an Item Group

  1. Click Master Data, and then click Item Groups.
  2. Click New, and then enter the Item Group name.
  3. On the Edit Item Group tab, configure the following details:
    • Type: Select the item group type as either Cost of Sales (COS) Item or Expense. Once the item group is saved, you cannot change its type.

    • Major Group: Enter the major group for this item group.

    • Item Group is not used for Transfer: Select this option if all items in this item group are unavailable for transfers or requests.

    • (Optional) Requirement Group 1: Enter the first requirement group the item group fits into.

    • (Optional) Requirement Group 2: Enter the second requirement group the item group fits into.

    • (Optional) Item Header Number: Enter an Item Header Number up to 4 digits long.

    • (Optional) Exclude from MCWeb Reports: Select this option to exclude the item group from all Inventory Management Reports in Reporting and Analytics Advanced.

    • (Optional) No Inventory Variances (‘Act is Theo’): Select this option if you do not want any variances to register for this item group. This option actualizes theoretical values in inventory counts so the actual value and theoretical value match in the inventory counts.

    • (Optional) Purchase Tax: Select any taxes associated with buying a product.

  4. (Optional) Click the Order QTY: Calculation tab, and then configure the following details:
    • Rounding: This determines the rounding of the item in an order. For example, if the order calls for 8.76 pounds of potatoes and potatoes are only available in 5-pound bags, then based on the selection, the system rounds the order up, down, or to the nearest value. In this case, if Round Up is selected, the system places the Order for two 5 pounds bags of potatoes.

    • Manual: Select this option to calculate orders based on the manual entry of quantities in ordering. Selecting this option overrides the values set in item groups.

    • Average Waste: Select this option to calculate orders based on suggested forecast values and override any average usage values predetermined in item groups.

    • Net Sales: Select this option to calculate the quantity based on the forecasted sales information transferred from Reporting and Analytics Advanced and a factor required to generate $1000 revenue.

    • PAR: Select this option to calculate orders based on PAR levels that are set in Manage Store.

    • PAR + Net Sales: Select this option to calculate orders using PAR and Net Sale methods.

    • Safety Factor: Enter the percentage to order over the amount calculated. Entering a percentage ensures that enough product (5% extra) is ordered in addition to the standing order to prevent shortages.

    • Subtract SOH: Select this option to subtract the existing stock-on-hand from the order amount. This ensures the existing stock is not taken into consideration at the time of order.

  5. Click Save.