Copy Menu Item

You can add a new menu item by using a current menu item as a template. The new menu item is placed in the same SLU Group as the menu item being copied.

This function is not available on mobile phones and handheld devices.

  1. Click Copy Menu Item. A list of the first 100 menu items appears.
  2. Filter the menu items as needed. Each time the details are filtered, the application returns the first 100 menu items that match the search criteria.
  3. Select the menu item from the list. When selected, the Menu Item Name has the text ‘-copy’ appended to the end.
  4. Change the name and edit the price as needed. A Price number pad appears if you are editing the price.

    Figure 3-5 Copy Menu Item Page

    This figure shows the Copy Menu Item page that appears on the POS client for the workstation or tablet UI.

    If there are multiple definitions for a Menu Item Master, these are also copied. To change the name of other definitions, select the definition and then change the name.

    Click Undo to reset everything to the original values.

  5. Click Copy Menu Item to save the menu item as a new record, click Yes to confirm, and then click OK.