Edit Menu Item

You can make changes to an existing menu item.

This function is not available on mobile phones and handheld devices.

  1. Click Edit Menu Item. A list of the first 100 menu item definitions appears.
  2. Filter the menu items as needed. Each time the details are filtered, the application returns the first 100 menu items that match the search criteria.
  3. Select the menu item from the list. The Edit Menu Item dialog appears.
  4. Change the appropriate information.

    You can change the Menu Item Master Name, Definition, Menu Item Class, SLU Group, SLU Sort Priority, Print Class, and Price.

  5. Click Save, click Yes to confirm, and then click OK. The transaction pages are updated immediately with your changes.

    The Undo and Save buttons become active after you make a change in a field. Click Undo to abandon changes made to an item and reset everything to the original values.

    Figure 3-3 Example of Editing a Menu Item

    This figure shows the Edit Menu Item dialog with changes made to the SLU Group and Price. This figure also uses red arrows to indicate the Undo and Save buttons.