Configure a Menu Item From Scratch

You can create a menu item from scratch for an item that is unique. If you have a new location and there are no template records to use, at first you can add only a menu item master record, and then add menu item definition and price records later.

Adding items from scratch is not the most efficient method to create new menu items. The easiest and fastest way is to find a similar item and use it as a template for the new menu item. The new item inherits the characteristics of the template. See Configure a Menu Item Using a Template for more information about this method.

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Maintenance.
  2. Click the Search button in the lower left area.
  3. If there is a list of existing menu items, click the record row where you want to add the menu item.

    Determine the organization method used in your system when configuring menu items as it is helpful to try to use the same method. It is best to add the menu item in an area with other similar items. For example, you can list all Specials together, all Sandwiches together, and all Salads together.

  4. Click the Insert icon (This image shows the Insert icon.) on the toolbar.
  5. Complete the following fields for the menu item master record in the Add Menu Items dialog:
    1. In the Select a task to perform drop-down list, select Add Master Records without a Template.

      The application defaults to inserting the new menu item record into the next available slot after the currently selected record. Verify the record number you are adding.

      • To insert the menu item in the next available position, select Next Available Position.

      • To define the record number or range for the new menu item record or records, select Record Number Or Range, and then enter the record numbers or ranges.

      • To insert the menu item at the next available record number after the currently selected record, select After currently selected record. For example, if you have record #50 selected and records 51 through 53 also exist, the new men item is created in record #54.

    2. Enter the Name of the new menu item.
    3. Verify the Major Group, Family Group, and Report Group (number between 1 and 99) for the menu item. Change these fields if needed.

      Menu Item Reports sort and list subtotals by Report Group. When the Report Group number is 0 (zero), the menu item does not show on Menu Item Reports.

    4. Click OK. The new menu item master record appears in the list. Continue with the next steps to configure the definition, class, price, and menu levels.
  6. Double-click the new master record row to open it.
  7. Click the Insert icon (This image shows the Insert icon.) on the toolbar.
  8. Complete the following fields for the menu item definitions and price records in the Add Menu Items dialog:
    1. In the Select a task to perform drop-down list, select Add Definition Records to this Master.

      The Master field shows the menu item master record to receive the new definition records.

    2. In the Definitions to Add list, select the definitions to create for the master.

      Each master record is allowed up to 64 definitions, each with its own menu item class, menu level, and up to eight price records. Each definition in the list needs to be assigned to a menu item class and a price record (optional).

    3. (Optional) To add up to eight price records when creating a definition, select Insert Price Records.
    4. If you are not using a definition template, select the Number of Price Records to create for the definition, and then enter the default Price for the new price records.

      If the Price field is empty, the application assigns a default price of $0.00, which you can change later.

      If using a definition template, the application copies the price records from the template record.

    5. Click OK, and then click Yes to confirm. The definition appears on the Definition List subtab.
  9. Click the General subtab.
  10. To switch between multiple definitions without leaving the current view, select the Def Sequence # from the drop-down list.
  11. To change the menu item class, click the Select link adjacent to Menu Item Class, select the appropriate menu item class, and then click OK.
  12. To change the print class, click the Select link adjacent to Print Class Override, select the appropriate print class, and then click OK.

    Menu items print based on the Print Class. Sometimes a single definition needs to print somewhere different than all other items in its menu item class. You can create a new Print Class and attach it directly to the menu item definition here in the Print Class override.

  13. In the Menu Level Availability section, select the Main Level Link and Sub Level Link. Click the All link to select all menu levels for main or sub.

    These menu levels specify when a menu item definition is available on a workstation. Often restaurants make a definition available at all times, but adjust the price records to become active based on the current menu level (for example, Happy Hour pricing versus pricing during Lunch or Dinner).

  14. To view the definition and price record, click the Prices subtab.
  15. Click Save.