Create Gift Card Numbers

After creating a card program and card rule, generate card numbers for a specific program and rule. Gift and Loyalty uses card numbers as the account numbers.

  1. Sign in to Simphony Home with your credentials.
  2. From the Dashboard, click the application navigation icon (This image shows the application navigation icon, which are three horizontal lines, one on top of the other.) at the top left of the page, select Gift and Loyalty, select G&L Account Administration, and then select Create Card Numbers.
  3. Select the Program to create card numbers for.

    Figure 15-13 Create Card Numbers Page

    This figure shows the Create Card Numbers page in Simphony Home.
  4. Enter the amount that can be issued to the card in Preset Denomination.
  5. If the field is not automatically populated, enter the first number to assign in First Account Number.
  6. Enter the number of account numbers that you want to generate in Number of Accounts.
  7. Click Create. The numbers will appear in a window and can be copied into a notepad if required.

    You can print cards with these numbers, and then issue customer accounts using these numbers. This process does not forego the need to issue the cards before they are active, and you must avoid duplicate cards.