Manual Discounts

Workstation operators can manually apply a discount to a transaction. You can configure manual discounts as:
  • Subtotal discounts

  • Item discounts

Subtotal Discounts

All discounts are subtotal discounts by default. That is, the discount applies to all items on a check that belongs to a menu item group or itemizer group affected by the discount. Subtotal discounts are item discounts that apply to multiple items. The amount of a subtotal discount is allotted to all items to which the discount applies. For example, a $3.00 discount that applies to two items will discount each item by $1.50. Workstation operators can add a subtotal discount any time during the transaction, and the subtotal discount is applied to all trigger items that are already on the check. New items added after applying the discount are not discounted.

Item Discounts

An item discount applies to only one item. Item discounts apply to any menu item that belongs to a Menu Item Class with option 7 - Item Discounts May Be Applied to these Menu Items set. Discount Itemizers and Menu Item Groups are not applicable for item discounts. Workstation operators must add an item discount immediately after adding the menu item to discount.