Payment Driver vs. Workstation Settings

You must configure SPI as a payment driver. You can configure the SPI driver at the Enterprise, zone, property, and revenue center levels in the Payment Drivers module, and you can override the SPI configuration to set client specific values at the workstation level in the Workstations module. Workstation settings override Payment Driver settings in case of conflict. If workstation settings are present, but the driver is not SPI, workstation settings are ignored.

One example where workstation device settings are required when a property or revenue center has a mix of Windows clients that have PEDs directly attached, and Android clients that are paired with network PEDs in Terminal mode:
  • For the Windows clients, entering http://localhost:port in the Primary Host of the Payment Driver module is sufficient as each PED communicates with the client on the local host IP address.

  • For the Android clients, it is necessary to enter each PED’s IP address individually. An SPI device is added for each Android client, and the only setting entered is the paired PED’s actual URL. When the Android client attempts to process a credit card transaction, the device setting URL will override the Payment Driver setting, and it will communicate with its own paired PED. If this environment is a middleware mode, this configuration is not necessary. In that case, the URL in the Payment Driver points to the middleware host, which in turn looks up the paired PED for the requesting client, and passes the request on.

SPI supports TLS 1.2 with two-way authentication, where server and client exchange certificates. The PSP is responsible for issuing certificates. Another scenario in which workstation devices have to be used for each client is HTTPS with two-way authentication when client certificates are to be issued for each client individually. In that case, the Payment Driver settings reflect the security settings as HTTPS with Certificate Validation, and the Server Certificate’s public key file will be loaded. For each client, a workstation SPI device is created, and the client’s certificate with password is loaded.