Configuring Guest Check Numbers

The guest check number can be between 1 and 99999999 (an eight-digit number). Generally check numbers are created in sequential order. If a workstation operator begins check number 10000007, the next check number for the revenue center is 10000008. Check numbers are maintained at the revenue center.

If the property has multiple revenue centers and wants to keep unique check numbers for each revenue center, you can assign an exclusive range or check numbers per revenue center. For example, Revenue Center 1 could have checks from 1000 to 1999 and Revenue Center 2 could have checks from 2000 to 2999.

  1. Select the revenue center, click Setup, and then click RVC Parameters.
  2. To set guest check numbers to generate automatically, enter the Min Guest Check # and the Max Guest Check # on the General tab.

    When Simphony generates check numbers automatically, after reaching the Max Guest Check # value, the next check number is the Min Guest Check # value.

  3. To enable workstation operators to manually assign guest check numbers, click the Options tab, and then select 1 - Operator Assigns Check Numbers.

    This option is used at properties that have guest checks with pre-printed numbers.

  4. Click Save.