Configuring Employee Privileges for Automatic Check Firing

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
  2. Double-click an employee role, click the Operations tab, and then click the Guest Checks subtab.
  3. Select the appropriate privileges. The following table describes the privileges corresponding to automatic check firing.

    Table 33-2 Employee Guest Check Privileges for Automatic Check Firing

    Privilege Description

    183 - Begin Autofire Check using [Begin Autofire Check] Key

    Select this option to allow employees in this role to create checks with orders that automatically fire at a preset time using the Begin Autofire Check function key.

    184 - Authorize/Perform Pickup of Autofire Check Belonging to Another Operator

    Select this option to allow employees in this role to pick up and edit checks with orders that fire at a preset time from other employees.

    185 - Authorize/Perform Edit of Autofire Date/Time

    Select this option to allow employees in this role to modify the date and time that orders are set to automatically fire.

  4. To allow employees in this role to generate the Autofire Open Check Report from the workstation, click the Ad Hoc Reports subtab, and then select 31030 - Run Autofire Open Check Report.
  5. Click Save.