Adding a Revenue Center

  1. Select the property, click Setup, and then click RVC Configuration.
  2. Insert a record.
  3. From the Add Revenue Center dialog, enter the RVC Number and the RVC Name.
  4. (Optional) To copy information from an existing revenue center, select Copy from source Revenue Center from the Source Revenue Center section. The hierarchy panel and Modules To Copy fields become active.
    1. From the hierarchy panel, select the revenue center to use as the source revenue center.
    2. From the Modules to Copy section, select the modules you want to copy from the source revenue center. To automatically select all modules, click the Select All Modules link.
    3. (Optional) Select Distribute inherited records to distribute all records (defined and inherited) from the source revenue center to the new revenue center. Deselect this option to distribute only records defined at the source revenue center to the new revenue center.
    4. (Optional) Select If destination record is inherited, create override to create an override record in the new revenue center when an inherited definition exists.
    5. (Optional) Select Distribute Data Extensions if they exist to distribute data extension values if they exist.
  5. Click OK to copy the records from the source template revenue center to the new revenue center.
  6. (Optional) Toggle to Form view. The content in the General section is meant for users of Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Gen 2. If you want customers to view your Revenue Center name and location information via STS Gen 2, complete this section.

    See Transaction Services for more information about Transaction Services Gen 1 and STS Gen 2.

  7. Toggle to Table view and select the following options as applicable for the new revenue center:
    • LDS Active: Select this option if the revenue center uses a Liquor Dispensing System (LDS), which is a third-party system used for pouring and tracking liquor and beverages, as well as mixed drinks.

    • KDS Controller: Select the KDS Controller to control the kitchen display system (KDS) order devices in the revenue center.

  8. Click Save.
After adding a new revenue center, restart the workstation to ensure changes are saved.