
In some cases, using a dedicated shared services device may be more cost effective than purchasing larger workstations to operate these services. For example, a customer may require 4 high end workstations to run the shared services. Alternatively, a dedicated shared services device and 4 lower cost workstations could be more cost effective.

While Simphony does not require a “back office server” to run shared services, there are advantages to consider with using a dedicated machine for shared services:
  • An employee is less likely to turn off or move the shared services device

  • Lesser powered POS client hardware can be used throughout the operation

  • Support related activities will not require interrupting the service staff to use their device

  • There isn’t a need to mix and match different POS client types on the property, making it easier to maintain the workstation hardware

  • Running CAPS separately from the POS clients eliminates the need for BUCAPS

While wireless networks are more reliable than ever, restaurant environments often provide challenges not seen in other environments like offices. Restaurant equipment (such as microwave ovens, broilers, and refrigerators) can adversely affect wireless connectivity.

Sites that want to only deploy tablets to the wait staff need a wired, dedicated shared services PC to run CAPS, KDS or other shared services.