Cannot Connect to the Database Server During the Simphony Installation

The Simphony installation application may not connect to the database server due to the following reasons:
  • Windows Firewall is running

  • Simphony and SimphonyXDB instances are not running

Adding Simphony to the Windows Firewall Exceptions

The Microsoft Windows Firewall that is enabled by default on your operating system could prevent the Simphony installation application from connecting to the database server. You must set up an exception rule on your firewall setting for the Simphony server and the database server to continue with the installation. For instructions setting up exception rules in Microsoft Windows Firewall, refer to the Microsoft TechNet Library at

Installing Simphony on Separate Servers

If you are using a separate database server, you must set up an incoming rule to allow connections from Simphony, depending on your database platform, using either the default port or the port you assign during Installation. By default, the Oracle database server uses port 1521 and Microsoft SQL Server uses port 1443. For instructions on opening a port in Microsoft Windows Firewall, refer to the Microsoft TechNet Library at

Starting the Oracle Listener

If the Oracle Listener is not running, Simphony services cannot start. Ensure that the Oracle Listener is running.
  • If you are using Oracle Linux, run the command $ lsnrctl status. If the Listener is running, you will see the listener configuration settings and the services summary.

  • If you are using Microsoft Windows, make sure that the Oracle TNS Listener service (for example, OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener) is set to Started in the Microsoft Windows Services utility.

If the Oracle Listener is not running, you need to manually restart the Listener using the Linux command = lsnrctl start. The Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows and the Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems contain more information about manually starting Oracle services.