5 Known Issues

The following issues are known for this Simphony release:

Table 5-1 Simphony Release 19.3 Known Issues

Module BugDB Jira Ticket # Description

Direct Posting Service (DPS)



Error Correct totals are not posting as expected to Reporting and Analytics (for multiple round checks). Once a transaction is initially service totaled, Error Corrects on subsequent rounds are not being posted to the Daily Ops report, specifically the Adjustments section.




Copying an Adhoc Report type button to Hand Held Terminal (HHT) Page Design templates is not supported.

Application Server Monitor Display Settings



When using a large monitor with the display resolution set to 1920 x 1080, and the Dots Per Inch (DPI) setting is set to 120, the EMC displays oddly, or does not display any information upon opening particular modules.


  1. Access the Simphony application server, and using File Explorer, navigate to the EMC.exe file.

  2. Right-click the file and select the Compatibility tab.

  3. Click the Change high DPI settings button.

  4. Under the High DPI scaling override section, select the Override high DPI scaling behavior checkbox.

  5. Change the setting under Scaling performed by: heading to System and click OK.

  6. Click Apply.