Employee Levels

Each employee in a Simphony system is associated with an Employee Level, programmed in EMC's Employee Maintenance module or via the Property Management Console (PMC). This field is a layer of security; it controls how employees interact with other employees by preventing some employees from accessing other employee records. Also, it gives EMC user’s access to some Employee Roles, but not others.


This setting allows a one-digit entry, where 0 offers an employee the most access and 9 offers the employee the least access. This field controls access to other employee records in EMC and PMC, but the functionality is slightly different.

PMC and EMC Usage


In EMC's Employee Maintenance, if the Employee Level of the logged-in user is not 0, the list of Employee Levels is restricted to only levels that a user may access. For instance, if the logged-in employee's level is 2, the drop-down list shows 3-9.

Employee Level Setting is 0

When the Employee Level field for an employee is set to 0, the functionality is the same for both the EMC and PMC. Employees at this setting can view all other employees including themselves.

Employee Level Setting is non-0: EMC

When the Employee Level field for an employee is set to a value other than 0, the EMC prevents that employee from seeing other employees at the same level or levels with higher access. By higher access, this means having a lower numerical value. For example:

  • Employee A's Employee Level is set at 2

  • Employee A logs into EMC and enters Employee Maintenance

  • Employee A can see all employees at levels 3–9

  • Employee A cannot see employees at levels 0–2, including himself

Because the employee cannot see themselves, there is no way to change his level or other privileges.

PMC Security Setting is non-0: PMC

The PMC security settings are similar to the EMC security settings with one exception: the employee can access his own record. This has been made possible so that the employee can change his/her workstation ID or mag card. For example:

  • Employee A's Employee Level is set at 2

  • Employee A opens the PMC enters the employee procedure

  • Employee A can see all employees at levels 3–9

  • Employee A cannot see employees at levels 0–2. However, the employee can see himself, with access to only these fields:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Check Name

    • Revenue Center

    • Assign ID

    • Assign Mag Card

    • Increment Shift

Because the employee cannot change their own level, there is no way for this employee to view additional employees.