Disk Capacity Sizing

The amount of disk space necessary for a system is driven by the amount of historical data, backups, and database log files retained on the drives. There are two areas that account for the majority of the database growth:

  • Check details used for online transaction access (Transaction Data)

  • Simphony Reporting and Analytics data

By default, the system automatically purges checks and their associated details that are used for online check access after six (6) weeks from the transaction database.

The Simphony Reporting and Analytics data accumulates for as long as desired. The reporting database contains check detail, totals, and electronic journal information.

The following values can be used as a guideline to determine how much space a database uses. It should be noted that testing used for these figures was based on fast transactions averaging 10 line items per check. Sites with multiple rounds or large check sizes experience more database growth.