Creating Combo Meals

Simphony offers various ways to create combo meals and to modify the menu items that compose the meal. The instructions assume that the workstation is not configured to recognize and create combo meals automatically while you add items to the check.

  1. To view the types of combo meals you can create using the items on a check:
    1. Click the Auto Combo function key.
    2. To create one combo meal, click OK to confirm the combo meal.
    3. To create multiple combo meals, select a combo meal from the Combo Meal dialog box, and then click OK.
    4. If the combo meal requires additional side items to complete the meal, add the remaining side items, and then end the current service round.
  2. To create a combo meal on a check from a primary menu item and a side item that make up a combo meal:
    1. Select the primary menu item of the combo meal, and then click the Combo function key.
    2. If the combo meal requires additional side items to complete the meal, add the remaining side items, and then end the current service round.
  3. To create multiple combo meals using the items on the check:
    1. Click the Combo Multi Selection function key.
    2. Select the items to use in the meal, and then click Combo.
  4. If the workstation has separate buttons configured for combo meals:
    1. Click the button configured for the base menu item of the combo meal (for example, Chicken Sandwich Combo).
    2. Add the primary menu item and the side items to complete the meal, and then end the current service round.
  5. To add a bulk combo meal order:
    1. Click the Bulk Combo Order function key.
    2. Enter the quantity that the customer requires using the on screen numeric key pad, and then press the button configured for the base menu item of the combo meal (for example, 10 Chicken Sandwich Combo). You can order up to 99 combo meals.
    3. Enter the quantity, and then select the side menu items for the combo meal (for example, 5 Roasted Chicken).
    4. Repeat Step 5-c to add the remaining side items, and then end the current service round.
  6. To add a sized combo meal, click one of the buttons configured for the Combo Order Sizes 1 through 4.
  7. To change the size (upsize or downsize) of a sized combo meal, select one or more side items from the check, and then click one of the buttons configured for the Combo Order Sizes 1 through 4.
  8. To substitute a combo meal side item with another item from the same combo meal group:
    1. Select the side item that you want to substitute from the check, and then click the Substitute function key.
    2. Add a new side item.
  9. To substitute a combo meal side item with an item from another combo meal group:
    1. Select the side item that you want to substitute from the check, and then click the Combo Alternate Side function key.
    2. Add a new side item.
  10. To revert the items in the combo meal to à la carte menu items, select the primary menu item of the combo meal, and then click the Un Combo function key.
  11. To remove a combo meal from a check, select the primary menu item of the combo meal, and then click the Void function key.

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