Placeholder Menu Items in Combo Meals

When ordering a combo meal, the guest might not know what they want for dessert when placing the initial appetizer and entrée for a combo meal. The workstation operator can post a placeholder menu item to complete the combo meal, substituting it with the guest’s dessert choice (made after the entrée is cleared and they are ready to order dessert). Placeholder items stand in for unknown items until the workstation operator substitutes the placeholder item with the actual menu item in a subsequent service round.

You need to configure a placeholder as a menu item (MI), including inserting a MI master, MI definition and a 0.00 MI price record. Additionally, assign a MI class to its MI definition file using the placeholder options. Then add the placeholder menu item to each desired combo meal group (for example, combo sides) so Simphony shows placeholder items on the condiment orderer area of the page. When the workstation operator selects the placeholder item, it occupies a place in the check to enable service totaling.

The workstation operator can substitute the placeholder menu item at any time prior to closing the check. After substituting it with a valid item (as shown in the following figures), the workstation operator cannot change the item back to a placeholder item. However, the workstation operator can substitute with another valid item.

Figure 33-3 Example: POS Workstation SIZE Placeholder Menu Item

This figure shows the POS workstation where the SIZE placeholder menu item is displayed in the order entry area.

Figure 33-4 Example: POS Workstation XL Sized Menu Item is Selected

This figure shows the POS workstation where the SIZE placeholder menu item is replaced by the XL sized item as displayed in the order entry area.