Adding Menu Item Definition Records to a Single Menu Item Master

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Maintenance.
  2. Double-click a master record to open it.
  3. Click the Insert icon on the toolbar.
  4. From the Select a task to perform drop-down list, select Add Definition Records to this Master.

    The Master field shows the Menu Item Master to receive the new definition records.

  5. From the Definitions to Add list, select the number of definitions to create for the master.

    Up to 64 definitions can exist for one master record. Simphony ignores requests to create definitions greater than sequence number 64.

  6. If the master record already has definitions configured, select an existing menu item definition to use as a template for the new definition record from the Use Template drop-down list.
  7. (Optional) To add price records when creating the definition:
    1. Select Insert Price Records.
    2. If you are not using a definition template, select the Number of Price Records to create for the definition, and then enter the default Price for the new price records.

      If using a definition template, Simphony copies the price records from the template record.

  8. Click OK to confirm.
  9. Configure the definitions. See Configuring Menu Item Definitions for instructions.

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