2 Troubleshooting

Here is a list of the Simphony system’s log files and their location. If necessary, access the log files and review them for troubleshooting purposes.

Table 2-1 Log File Locations

Log Files Log File Location Paths

EMC log folder

C:\Program Files\Oracle Hospitality\EMCClient\log

Workstation Simphony Ops log


Workstation CAL Package log


CAPS on IIS Service Host log

<Drive letter>:\Micros\Simphony\IISCAPSServiceHost\EGatewayLog on the Service Host.

Android Workstation log

Can be accessed using the Property Management Console (PMC) by privileged staff.

Oracle Linux for MICROS Workstation log

If you can start operations on the device, log files can be accessed using the EMC or PMC by privileged staff here:/opt/oracle/simphony/WebServer/wwwroot/EGateway/EGatewayLog