8 Language Settings and Translation

Simphony allows you to translate the user interface to the local language and to maintain translation files for the EMC. You can configure up to four languages to appear on workstations, guest checks, and customer receipts. When a new language is configured for a property, all POS workstation clients must receive the new database updates and must restart prior to the changes becoming active. When the Translation CAL package is loaded, the POS workstation clients, including the CAPS workstation, need to be restarted upon receiving the language translation files.

Simphony upgrades earlier versions of translation files to later versions, and translates all languages defined in the system. You cannot translate core translation files as they are managed internally.

Configuring languages allows strings that have been translated to be presented to the user based on their language setting. You must manually translate menu items, touchscreen buttons, and user-defined strings in the EMC.

Adding Languages contains a list of all supported languages in Simphony.