Allergen, Nutrition and Consumer Advisory Information

Administrators can configure allergen, consumer advisory, and nutrition related menu item content in the EMC. This information can be used in Oracle API interfaces to meet legal requirements where necessary. The allergen, nutrition, and consumer advisory details are supported in the Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Gen2 configuration service responses, such as self-service kiosks or Enterprise online ordering.

The allergen, nutrition, and consumer advisory content is configured for individual menu item definitions. Each menu item definition can have multiple allergens and multiple nutrition entries configured. One consumer advisory description is allowed per menu item definition.

The allergen, nutrition, and consumer advisory content is translatable. You can also change the nutritional content unit of measure for each language translation.

Simphony does not support the % of Daily Value or Serving Size.


Simphony contains a fixed list of allergens (for example, eggs, fish, peanuts, and milk) in the Allergens module at the Enterprise level. Administrators can create an allergen class using the Allergen Classes module, and then associate allergens to an allergen class. Then the allergen class can link to a menu item class. You can override the allergen class at the menu item definition level.


Administrators can configure nutritional values (for example, calories, total fat, saturated fat, and sodium) for each menu item definition. The nutrition information is typically found on a packaged goods label.

The Nutrition Names module provides a pre-defined list of nutrients available at the Enterprise level. This is a reference list used for entering nutritional details and cannot be modified.

You can use the Nutrient Sets module, available at the Enterprise level, to create a set of nutritional details that can be associated with a menu item definition. For example, you can add nutritional content for a Chicken entrée to a Chicken nutrient set, with details of calories, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, total fat and protein, and link this nutrient set to the menu item definition for the Chicken entrée.

The Menu Item Definition module has a Nutrition tab that is used to add nutritional details based on the defined nutrient sets. You can use the Nutrition tab to link Nutrient Sets to the menu item definition.

Consumer Advisory

A consumer advisory provides information about the risks of eating raw or undercooked menu items. An example of a consumer advisory description is: Consuming raw or under-cooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness.