Enabling Upload of Egateway and SPI Logs

You can allow Oracle Customer Support staff to access the Egateway and Simphony Payment Interface (SPI) logs from POS client devices operating in a specific locations (for example, restaurant, stadium, or airport). POS Operations automatically uploads these log files, and Support staff can access and use them to troubleshoot payment issues, decreasing time spent resolving issues. All workstations at a location that are running POS Operations will upload the log files to the cloud, except for KDS Displays.

After enabling the upload of Egateway and SPI logs, and then starting the workstation(s) or updating the workstation database, the following occurs:
  • POS Operations uploads all SPI files that are available via PMC.

  • POS Operations randomly selects a time between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. local time the next day to automatically upload log files.

  • Once the next upload time is selected, the upload will occur every 24 hours thereafter.

  • A local cache memory stores the files that were uploaded and the last modification time of those files.

  • In each automatic upload, log files are uploaded only if the last modification time has been changed. This prevents POS Operations from flooding the Enterprise with the same older log files.

You can view the uploaded files in the EMC Workstations module on the Service Log tab. Each uploaded file contains comments in the Sender Note column in the format filename(uploaded date time) (for example, Log_WS1.txt (12/22/022 03:44 AM). The files can be read, deleted, or saved to disk.

To enable the upload of Egateway and SPI log files:

  1. Select the property, click Setup, and then click Property Parameters.
  2. Click the Options tab, and then select 63 - Enable Upload of Egateway and SPI Logs.

    If you deselect this option, the automatic upload of log files will be disabled upon the next update of the workstation database.

  3. Click Save.