Configuring the OPERA Self Pay Button

OPERA Self Pay utilizes the Loadable PMS Payment Module to perform a room charge from the Simphony POS client to the OPERA Property Management System. To configure the OPERA Self Pay button:

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Page Design.
  2. Open the page on which to place the OPERA Self Pay button.
  3. On the Edit tab, select the page area in which to define the OPERA Self Pay functions (typically the payment area).
  4. Click Button.
  5. On the General subtab, enter the button name in the Legend field.
  6. Select Function from the Type drop-down list.
  7. Click the black arrow directly beneath the Type drop-down list, and then select OPERA Self Pay.
    1. (Optional) To have OPERA Self Pay validate payments by only entering a guest's room number instead of a guest's name, enter NoGuestName in the Text field.
  8. Highlight the OPERA Self Pay button.
  9. Click the OPERA Self Pay Configuration button. The following steps are optional:
    1. Select Exit Opera Self Pay Without ID Prompt when OPERA Self Pay is used on a guest-facing device (such as a kiosk). This allows for the guest to exit to the order screen without employee intervention.
    2. Select Hide Email Prompt Screen so that the UI does not ask for a guest’s e-mail address. If this option is disabled, the option to enter an e-mail address appears for the guest.
    3. Select Enable Tip Screen, and then enter the Default Tip Percent value between 0–99. This tip percentage value is shown to the guest.
  10. In the Select Payment Methods section, select Opera as the payment type from theType drop-down list.
  11. Click the Edit... link in the Command column.
  12. From the Payment Configuration dialog window, select the appropriate payment method from the Functions drop-down list.
  13. Select the Loadable PMS Driver Payment command Other1:LoadablePms from the Payment Type drop-down list, and then click OK.

    Table 14-3 OPERA Self Pay Payment Methods

    Type Command


    Other1:LoadablePms: Loadable property management system driver for room charges

  14. In the Style section, click the arrow to change the color of the button.
  15. Position and size the button to the desired area and dimension on the page.
  16. Click Save.