Configuring a Local Pop Up Menu for Mobile (HHT) Touchscreens

You can configure a Local Popup Menu for mobile Hand Held Terminal (HHT) devices (including Android devices) from the EMC’s Page Design module. Configuring a Local Popup Menu button provides you a good option to save touchscreen space by not having to configure individually hard-coded menu item buttons. Multiple menu items can be added to the Local Popup Menu button. When the button is pressed, all of the items show in a popup window in the same order in which they were configured in the Page Design module.

To configure a Local Popup Menu button:

  1. Sign in to EMC.
  2. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Page Design.
  3. Insert a new page record, and then select an HHT page template, or select an existing page which is already using an HHT page template.
  4. On the Edit tab, select the page area in which to define the Local Popup Menu button.
  5. Click Button.
  6. On the General subtab, enter the button name in the Legend field.
  7. From the Type drop-down list, select Function.
  8. Click the black arrow beneath the Type drop-down list.
  9. Select the Local Menu Popup function.
  10. Position and size the button on the page. Use the Style arrow to change the color.
  11. To add menu items to the popup button, click Edit Popup Entries.

    Figure 36-2 Page Design Button Configuration

    This image shows the Page Design module when configuring the Local Menu Popup button.
  12. Click the Add button.

    Figure 36-3 Page Design - Edit Popup Entries Window

    This image shows the Edit Popup entries window as menu items are getting added to the Local Menu Popup button.
  13. From the Type drop-down list, select Add Menu Item.
  14. From the Legend field, enter the name of the menu item (as you want it to read in the popup menu list on the device).


    As you enter multiple menu items to the Local Menu Popup button, your entries are numbered adjacent to each added item in descending order.
  15. Once you are finished adding menu items, click Close, and then Save.
  16. Access a mobile HHT device, update the DB, and then test your Local Menu Popup button.