Installing the CAL Client on Linux Devices

To install the Client Application Loader (CAL) on Linux workstations, see Using the On-screen Keyboard for Linux Devices for instructions about using the touchscreen keyboard.

To install the CAL client on Linux devices:

  1. Access the Linux device after the initial operating system setup steps.

    USB keyboards are supported for CAL configuration, depending on the model of workstation being utilized.

  2. Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) URL of the Simphony CAL server. If using a port other than the default port number of 443, click the This image shows the port edit icon. icon adjacent to the CAL server URL field, enter the new port number, and then select the Next button. The system verifies the entered URL’s connectivity, and if correct, the configuration screen advances.

    Figure 8-1 CAL Configuration Window 1 – CAL Server URL and Port Number Entry

    This figure shows the first CAL configuration window where the CAL server’s URL and port number are entered.
  3. For Simphony Premium Cloud Service users, enter your EMC logon credentials in the User Name and Your password fields, and then click Next.

    Figure 8-2 CAL Configuration Window 2 – Workstation Authentication for Simphony Premium Cloud Service Users

    This figure shows the CAL Workstation Authentication window for Simphony Premium Cloud Service users.

    For Simphony Standard Cloud Service users, enter your EMC logon credentials in the User Name and Your password fields, enter your Company or Organization name, and then click Next.

    Figure 8-3 CAL Configuration Window 2 – Workstation Authentication for Simphony Standard Cloud Service Users

    This figure shows the CAL Workstation Authentication window for Simphony Standard Cloud Service users.
  4. Select (or tap) the Property’s row associated with the workstation, and then click Next. The search for a specific property's name can be filtered using the Type to Filter Property List field.

    When searching for a property, you can highlight a row and continue to search using the vertical scroll-bar. If you click the Find button, the previously highlighted row is auto-scrolled and returned to your view.

    Figure 8-4 CAL Configuration Window 3 – Select Property

    This figure shows the CAL Select Property window for Simphony Standard Cloud Service users.
  5. The Workstation Identity window is where you search for the workstation on which you want to install CAL. Once found, select (or tap) the workstation’s row, and then click Next. The search for a specific workstation's name can be filtered using the Type to Filter Workstation List field.
  6. The Oracle CAL Status - ServiceHost ID XXX window lists the CAL Packages scheduled for downloading to this workstation, and automatically begins doing so. Package downloads continue without further configuration and the status bar shows details of the ongoing download and installation progress. After the last file has been transferred and installed, the CAL configuration window closes, and the Simphony ServiceHost starts. Moving forward, the workstation is now fully operational.

    The Show / Hide Details button, in most cases is not needed, but could be used for troubleshooting purposes.

    Figure 8-5 CAL Configuration Window 4 – Oracle CAL Status - ServiceHost ID XXX

    This figure shows the Oracle CAL Status - ServiceHost ID XXX window that shows the ongoing CAL package download status and progress bar.