49 OPERA Integration

Simphony includes the ability to interface with products such as the OPERA Property Management System (PMS).

OPERA PMS Enhanced Interface Features and Requirements

Supported Software and Hardware

  • Simphony release 2.8 or later

  • OPERA Interface release or later

  • Supported POS client devices as of Simphony release 2.8 running the Service Host application:

    • Oracle MICROS PC Workstation 2015

    • Oracle MICROS Tablet E-Series 8 inch (OS 1.5) and 11 inch (OS 1.4)

    • Oracle MICROS Workstation 6 Series

    • Oracle MICROS Workstation 5A (POSReady 2009/7)

    • Android 4.4 tablets

    • Samsung Galaxy 7, 8, 11 inch

    • Google Nexus

    • Zebra MC40 – Android 4.4

    • DT Research DT365

    • Microsoft Windows 7 and 8.1 devices

Posting Capabilities

  • Up to 16 Sales Itemizers

  • Up to 64 Tax Itemizers

  • 16 Discount Itemizers if the Full Discount and Service Charge Breakdown is configured accordingly; otherwise 1 Discount Itemizer

  • Up to 14 Service Charge Itemizers if the Full Discount and Service Charge Breakdown is configured accordingly; otherwise 2 Service Charge Itemizers

  • Check Details in the final tender event


  • Enhanced inquiry by name or room number returns the following information (varies and depends on the setup on the PMS):

    • Guest last name, first name, and title

    • Arrival and departure dates

    • Room number and room type

  • Display of guest reservation detail

  • Display of guest history

  • Display and printing of guest messages

  • Entry of guest messages

  • Display of guest locator

  • Entry of guest locator