QR Code Payments

Restaurant guests can pay a check by scanning a QR code on the guest check using their mobile device. After the guest scans the code, the mobile device browser opens, and the guest can enter their payment information. After payment is complete, the check is closed in Simphony and then shows the payment method that was used by the guest.

The following peripheral devices are supported for QR code printing:
  • Epson TM-T88 (III, IV, V, VI) Ethernet printers

  • Adyen Castles S1F2 onboard terminal printer

Supporting payments through QR codes consists of the following high-level steps:
  • Configuring the Enterprise for QR code payments. This is completed by Oracle Hosting and is not explained in this guide. Tasks typically include:
    • Installing or upgrading to Simphony release 19.4.

    • Setting up Reporting and Analytics release 20.1.10 with supporting payment APIs.

    • Setting up the Oracle MICROS Payment Cloud Service (includes merchant account and API details).

    • Enabling Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Gen 2 for the Enterprise.

      A POSAPI workstation for STS must be set up if it does not already exist. See Configuring the Transaction Services Workstation Client for more information.

    • Setting up QR code payment URLs for the Enterprise.

  • In the Enterprise Management Console (EMC), configure the property to accept QR code payments, including:
    • Activating QR code payments.

    • Assigning a printer to the STS Gen 2 workstation

    • Creating a service total tender media record to print a QR code.

    • Creating a workstation button for QR code printing, and associating this button to the new service total tender media record.