Configuring a Quantity Threshold Discount

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Discounts.
  2. Double-click an automatic discount record to open it. From the General tab, set the Activation Type field to 1 - Automatic (Automatically applied, operator cannot enter) from the drop-down list, and then check the Enabled checkbox.
  3. (Optional) Select the Effectivity tab and set the discount’s Start and End dates accordingly.
  4. Select the RVC Type tab and then select the revenue center(s) where the discount is to be active.
  5. Select the Menu Levels tab and ensure the Main and Sub levels are enabled for when the discounts can be applied (typically, all Main and Sub levels are enabled).
  6. Click the Auto tab, and then select 2 - Quantity Threshold from the Automatic (Automatically applied, operator cannot enter) drop-down list.
  7. Select the appropriate Awarding Algorithm:
    • 1 - Best Deal for Customer: Select to apply the best possible deal (highest discount amount) to the check. Oracle recommends using this setting unless specific business needs are required at the property.

    • 2 - Best Deal for Merchant: Select to apply the smallest discount amount to the check. This option is intended for properties with specific needs and configurations.

  8. (Optional) Select the appropriate Constraint Type:
    • 1 - No Constraint: Select this type to maintain the system’s legacy discount behavior, with no constraints. This is the default setting.

    • 2 - Menu Item: Select this type to apply constraints to specific, individual menu items such as a Cheeseburger, Chicken Sandwich, or Large Coffee.

    • 3 - Family Group: Select this type to apply constraints to menu items assigned to a specific Family Group, such as Appetizers, Burgers, Salads, Beer or Wine.

    • 4 - Major Group: Select this type to apply constraints to menu items assigned to a specific Major Group, such as Food, Alcohol, or Retail.

    See Discount Constraint Types in the Discounts chapter for more information.

  9. (Optional) Enter a Priority for the discount.

    Priority determines the order in which discounts are calculated. By default, this field is blank (0) for all discounts, meaning that discounts are calculated at the same time. If you enter a priority, the workstation calculates all discounts in priority 1, then in priority 2, and so on. Priority zero (0) discounts are calculated last. The priority field allows Simphony to calculate discounts more efficiently.

  10. Enter the maximum number of times the Automatic discount can be entered on a check in the Max Count Per Check field.
  11. To use promotion prices that appear in the Menu Item Groups module for the discounted menu item, select Use Price in MI Group Detail.
  12. In the Trigger section, configure up to eight unique triggers to invoke the discount. You must configure the triggers in sequential order.
    • Trigger MI Group: Select the menu item groups that will trigger the discount award.

    • Trigger Condiment Group: Select the condiment menu item groups to use as the trigger for the discount, if any. For example, If customers can get a bagel for $0.50 when they add cream cheese to any bagel, cream cheese is the trigger condiment and bagel is the trigger menu item for the $0.50 discount.

    • Quantity: Enter the number of items that customers must order from the corresponding trigger menu group before applying the discount award.

    • Minimum Quantity: Enter the number of items that customers must order from the corresponding trigger menu group before applying the discount award.

  13. In the Awards section, configure up to eight rewards for the discount:
    • Award MI Group: Select the menu item groups to use as the award group when the minimum quantity of items from the Trigger MI Group is ordered.

    • Award Type: Select the discount type.

    • Percentage Off: If this is a percent discount, enter the percentage to discount from each item in the Award MI Group.

    • Amount Off: If this is an amount discount, enter the amount to discount from each item in the Award MI Group.

    • Amount Substitution: If this is an amount substitution discount, enter the price to charge for each item in the Award MI Group.

    • Award Count: Enter the number of award items that are allowed once the Trigger MI Group's Minimum quantity is reached. For example, if this is a Buy Three Coffees and Get Two Donuts at 50% off discount, set this field to 2.

    • Max Count: Enter the maximum number of award items that can be discounted on a single check. If set to zero (0), the maximum count is unlimited.

    • Allow award of higher priced item: Select to allow a discount to be applied when the trigger item price is lower than the award item price.

  14. If you set a Percentage Off discount from the Award Type column, enter the required percentage of discount from the Percent Off column.
  15. If you configured an Amount Off discount from the Award Type column, enter the required amount of discount from the Amount Off column.


    (Optional) For amount off discounts, from the General tab, you can enter a minimum and maximum amount for each discount using the Min Amount and Max Amount fields.
  16. Click Save.