Configuring a High Amount Lockout (HALO) for Tenders

High Amount Lockout (HALO) is a set limit on the dollar amount of menu items or tenders that may be entered by the workstation operator. A HALO is used to filter out erroneously high entries.

When a Tender/Media HALO is active, dollar amount entries are compared to the HALO amount. The HALO may be configured to limit either the tender amount entered or the amount over tendered.

Authority to override a Tender/Media HALO may be restricted to certain employees.

When a menu item HALO is active, the quantity of the item ordered times the item price is compared to the HALO amount. For example, if a menu item is priced at $3.00, and the HALO for this menu item class is set at $30.00, then ordering 11 of these menu items would exceed the HALO amount (11 x $3.00 > $30.00).

If the HALO is exceeded in an entry, the workstation prompts “AMOUNT TOO LARGE- CONTINUE?”. The operator may then change the entry or continue with the large amount.

  1. Select the Enterprise or property, click Configuration, and then click Tender/Media.
  2. Double-click a record to open it in form view.
  3. Click the Options tab, and then click the Miscellaneous Options subtab.
  4. To require authorization to exceed the HALO, select 18 - Enable HALO.
  5. To compute the HALO for this Tender/Media on the amount entered, select 19 - On=Use HALO on Amount Entered; Off=Amount Overtendered. You must also select option 18.

    To prevent a workstation operator from issuing change for the Tender/Media, set the HALO Code to 0 (zero), and deselect option 19.

    Options 18 and 19 influence non-privileged users of option 35 - Authorize Over HALO Amounts on [Tender/Media] Keys set in the Roles module, which is described in step 7.

  6. Click Save.
  7. To set employee privileges for HALO:
    1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
    2. Double-click an employee role, click the Operations tab, and then click the Transactions subtab.
    3. In the Tender Media Options section, select 35 - Authorize Over HALO Amounts on [Tender/Media] Keys.

      Enabling this option allows employees with the role to exceed the HALO amount set for a Tender/Media key.

    4. Click Save.