Configuring the Display of OPERA Guest Package Information

The following steps describe how to set up the display of OPERA Guest Package information.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or revenue center, click Setup, and then click Payment Drivers.
  2. Create a new Payment Drivers record to support the display of OPERA package information.
  3. Double-click the new Payment Drivers record, and then click the Configuration tab.
  4. In the Opera Interface Properties section, enter the details for the following required fields:
    • Connection String

    • Interface ID

    • Opera Client ID

    • Opera Client Secret

    • Opera Tender Media

    • Password

    • Posting Format

    • Resort

    • UserName

  5. Click Save.
  6. Select the Enterprise, property, or revenue center, click Configuration, and then click Page Design.
  7. Add a button on the Transaction Page called Display Opera Packages.
  8. Enter the following information in the button configuration section:
    1. Set the Type to Function.
    2. Click the black arrow beneath the Type drop-down list to open the Edit Command pop up window.
    3. In the Name field, enter Opera.
    4. Select Display Opera Packages from theResults section.
    5. Click OK.
  9. In the button configuration section, click Generate Legend.
  10. Click Save.