Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services

Oracle MICROS Simphony Single-Tenant Edition

Subproduct Licensing Information

Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition, Environment – Per Instance

Part Number: B92677

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Base cloud service that enables access to a Simphony Single-Tenant environment.

Prerequisite Products


Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Credit Card Interface

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Data Interface

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition – Per POS Client

Part Number: B92678

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Required for each Simphony Point-of-Sale (POS) client connected to the system. Devices that only operate shared services (for example, Check and Posting, Kitchen Display Controller, and Printing) are not counted as POS clients.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to use Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition – Per POS Client:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition, Environment

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition – Per Revenue Center

Part Number: B92679

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Enables integrations that extract configuration and transaction information and post transactions. This cloud service enables an unlimited number of end points to connect to a single Revenue Center.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to use Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition – Per Revenue Center:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition, Environment

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Kitchen Display Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition – Per Kitchen Display Client

Part Number: B92680

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Required for each Simphony Kitchen Display System (KDS) client connected to the Simphony system. This license is required even if the customer is using a non-Oracle KDS client solution.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to license and use Simphony Kitchen Display Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition – Per Kitchen Display Client:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition, Environment

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Enterprise Edition

Subproduct Licensing Information

Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition – Per POS Client

Part Number: B92452

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Base cloud service that enables access to a Simphony Enterprise Environment. It is required for each Simphony Point-of-Sale (POS) client connected to the system. Devices that only operate shared services (for example, Check and Posting, Kitchen Display Controller, and Printing) are not counted as POS clients.

Prerequisite Products


Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition – Per Transaction Services Client

Part Number: B92453

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Enables integrations that extract configuration and transaction information and post transactions. This cloud service permits a single end point to connect to the system.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to use Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition – Per Transaction Services Client:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition – Per Revenue Center

Part Number: B92454

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Enables integrations that extract configuration and transaction information and post transactions. This cloud service enables an unlimited number of end points to connect to a single Revenue Center.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to use Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition – Per Revenue Center:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Guest Facing Transaction Services Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition – Per Revenue Center

Part Number: B92455

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Enables end user (also known as guest, diner, or consumer) integrations that extract configuration and transaction information and post transactions, such as mobile ordering, online ordering, self-service kiosks, and order status boards. This cloud service enables an unlimited number of end points to connect to a single Revenue Center.  It may not be used for staff-facing solutions.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to use Simphony Guest Facing Transaction Services Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition – Per Revenue Center
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Plus Edition

Subproduct Licensing Information

Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition – Per POS Client

Part Number: B92456

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Base cloud service that enables access to a Simphony Plus Environment. It is required for each Simphony Point-of-Sale (POS) client connected to the system. Devices that only operate shared services (for example, Check and Posting, Kitchen Display Controller, and Printing) are not counted as POS clients.

Prerequisite Products


Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Plus Edition – Per Transaction Services Client

Part Number: B92457

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Enables integrations that extract configuration and transaction information and post transactions. This cloud service permits a single end point to connect to the system.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to an use Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Plus Edition – Per Transaction Services Client:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Plus Edition – Per Revenue Center

Part Number: B92458

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Enables integrations that extract configuration and transaction information and post transactions. This cloud service enables an unlimited number of end points to connect to a single Revenue Center.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to use Simphony Transaction Services Cloud Service, Plus Edition – Per Revenue Center:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Guest Facing Transaction Services Cloud Service, Plus Edition – Per Revenue Center

Part Number: B92459

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Enables end user (also known as guest, diner, or consumer) integrations that extract configuration and transaction information and post transactions, such as mobile ordering, online ordering, self-service kiosks, and order status boards. This cloud service enables an unlimited number of end points to connect to a single Revenue Center. It may not be used for staff-facing solutions.

Prerequisite Products

The following product is a prerequisite to use Simphony Guest Facing Transaction Services Cloud Service, Plus Edition – Per Revenue Center:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Add-ons

Subproduct Licensing Information

Oracle MICROS Simphony Credit Card Interface Cloud Service – Per POS Client

Part Number: B92460

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Enables the use of either integrated or semi-integrated devices to process credit transactions with Simphony. Required for each Point of Sale client in a Revenue Center that has interfaced credit cards.

Prerequisite Products

One of the following products is a prerequisite to use the Simphony Credit Card Interface Cloud Service – Per POS Client:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

Restricted to supporting pay at the table functionality:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Guest Facing Transaction Services Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Guest Facing Transaction Services Cloud Service, Plus Edition

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Kitchen Display Services Cloud Service – Per Kitchen Display Client

Part Number: B92461

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Required for each Simphony Kitchen Display System (KDS) client connected to the Simphony system. This license is required even if the customer is using a non-Oracle KDS client solution.

Prerequisite Products

One of the following products is a prerequisite to use the Simphony Kitchen Display Services Cloud Service – Per Kitchen Display Client:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Data Interface Cloud Service – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92462

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Grants access to the Configuration Data Interface API for direct integrations. This interface is used to allow third parties to create or modify POS configuration data such as menu item prices. This interface is not required to utilize the Simphony Import Export feature, which allows for manual, file-based imports or exports.

Prerequisite Products

One of the following products is a prerequisite to use the Simphony Configuration Data Interface Cloud Service:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Education Interface Cloud Service – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92264

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Grants access to the Simphony student dining and entitlement management systems interfaces.

Prerequisite Products

One of the following products is a prerequisite to use the Simphony Education Interface Cloud Service:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Gaming Interface Cloud Service – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92265

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Grants access to the Simphony gaming management and player card systems interfaces.

Prerequisite Products

One of the following products is a prerequisite to use the Simphony Gaming Interface Cloud Service:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Table Management Interface Cloud Service – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92266

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Grants access to the Simphony table and reservation management systems interfaces.

Prerequisite Products

One of the following products is a prerequisite to use the Simphony Table Management Interface Cloud Service:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Single-Tenant Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service, Plus Edition

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

MySQL Enterprise Edition is included for use as the default point-of-sale client database for Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for MICROS. MySQL Enterprise Edition is restricted to use with Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services.

Oracle MICROS Simphony Additional Storage Add-ons

Subproduct Licensing Information

Additional Transaction Storage Cloud Service, to total 2 years – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92569

Product Editions and Permitted Features

Extends storage to the limits published in for the product.

Prerequisite Products

For cloud service information such as descriptions and entitlement details, go to and search for the product.

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses


Additional Transaction Storage Cloud Service, to total 3 years – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92570

Additional Transaction Storage Cloud Service, to total 4 years – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92571

Additional Journal Storage Cloud Service, to total 2 years – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92572

Additional Journal Storage Cloud Service, to total 3 years – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92573

Additional Journal Storage Cloud Service, to total 4 years – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92574

Additional Journal Storage Cloud Service, to total 7 years – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92575

Additional Journal Storage Cloud Service, to total 10 years – Per Physical Location

Part Number: B92576