Clocking In and Out

When a workstation is offline but can communicate with other workstations and services, employees can clock in. When a workstation is offline (no network communication) and unable to communicate with other workstations and services, employees cannot clock in.

Employees can be notified about time card adjustments to provide greater transparency about changes which impact paychecks. When a time card has been adjusted, the employee is notified automatically during clock-in or clock-out, or on demand when clicking Time Card Adjustment Notification.

  1. To clock in, click the Clock In button.
  2. If the manager or payroll team changed the following information on your time card, the Time Card Changes dialog appears.
    • Clock In Date

    • Clock In Time

    • Clock Out Time

    • Direct Tips

    • Indirect Tips

    • Job Code

    If more than one adjustment is made to a time card, only the original and current changes appear in the Time Card Changes dialog. After acknowledging the current notification (the following figure shows 1 of 2), the next time card adjustment appears (2 of 2), and so on until all time card changes have been acknowledged.

    Acknowledge the time card change by clicking Agree or Disagree.

    Figure 2-1 Time Card Changes Dialog

    This figure shows the Time Card Changes dialog, when changes have been made to the time card. The employee must acknowledge the changes.
  3. To check for time card adjustments on demand during your shift (after clock in and sign in but before clock out), click the Time Card Adjustment Notification button (if configured). If the time card has not been adjusted, the following message appears.

    Figure 2-2 On Demand With No Time Card Adjustments

    This figure shows the time card adjustment message after clicking Time Card Adjustment Notification, when no changes have been made to the time card.
  4. Close all guest checks before clocking out at the end of a shift unless you have the privilege to clock out with open checks.
  5. To clock out, click the Clock Out button.
  6. If a manager or payroll team changed specific information on your time card (listed in Step 2), the Time Card Changes dialog appears. Acknowledge the time card change by clicking Agree or Disagree.