Additional Information


Currency parameters may use the "currencyType" from the Oracle New Media Type. When used, this mandates an ISO4217 currency code. Example:





In all other cases, the currency data type will reflect a number data type with decimal precision as available in Simphony unless specified in the specifications for higher precision.


Dates that include only the date segment may be defined as a string, format = "date". Example:



In line with the Oracle REST Standard, dates and times will be expressed only as RFC3339 dates or ISO 8601 dates. Both these formats mandate time zones where they include times.

Phone Number Prefixes

When inserting or updating location or revenue center endpoints, and you include the phone object, you must also include the phoneCountryCode object. The system returns an error when the phoneCountryCode object is missing. Sending the correct country, region, and phone code values is especially important for customers who use Oracle MICROS Payment Cloud Service. See the following references for more information:

Translated String

The Translated String resource type is used for strings that can be translated into multiple languages, such as menu item name. A translated string contains key value pairs consisting of the language's culture key and the text that is used by the system when that language is active.


"en-US": "coffee", 
"es-ES": "cafe", 
"lt-LT": "kavos" 

In some unique cases, when two languages have the same culture code, the API generates an error indicating the duplicate languages are not permitted.

Option String

Option Strings are used in many tables to efficiently store yes/no (enabled/disabled) settings. These settings are represented in arrays, whose values are only 1 or 0. The position of the 1 or 0 determines what option has been enabled or disabled for the record.

A very common example, found in menu item definitions, is the menu level settings, which look like this:

"mainLevel": "11111111",

In this case, there are 8 main levels, each represented by a single digit. Since each digit is a 1, this Option String indicates that all 8 menu levels are enabled. If only menu levels 1 and 7 are enabled, the values will look like this:

"mainLevel": "10000010",

The easiest way to way with the options is to first configure a sample record using the Enterprise Management Console (EMC) and then export the data after saving the record.

Some endpoints support the ability to provide more detailed information on the options' meaning by including the <field nam>Ext data, as can be seen in the highlighted portion of the Auto Menu Level object shown below:

	"hierUnitId": 2,
      "hierUnitObjNum": 1,
		"en-US": "Location 1",
		"es-SS": ...,
		"lt=LT": ...,
	"index": 1,
	"start": "10:00",
	"end": "18:00",
	"mainLevelIndex": 1,
	"subLevelIndex": 1,
	"options": "10000000",
	"optionsExt": {
		"activeEntry": false,
		"activeOnSunday": false,
		"activeOnMonday": false,
		"activeOnTuesday": false,
		"activeOnWednesday": false,
		"activeOnThursday": false,
		"activeOnFriday": false,
		"activeOnSaturday": false,

Pre-Delete Dependency Checks

Some objects support a pre-delete dependency check, which checks for foreign key references that will prevent a successful delete operation.