Get Revenue Center Parameters



Gets all the revenue centers for a location for the specified organization.


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Request body
Root Schema : RevenueCenterParameterGetRequestBody
Type: object
Show Source
  • unique hierUnitId value of the revenue center
    Example: 1
  • Example: locations
  • This can take 2 values: basic or detailed. If 'basic' is specified, The response contains all the properties of the object except Ext values. If 'detailed' is specified, The response contains all the properties of the object.
    Example: detailed
  • If specified, limits translated strings returned.
    Example: en-US, de-DE, es-MX
  • Number of results returned in this page. Not required if paging parameters are not supported.
    Example: 10
  • Starting resource record index. Not required if paging parameters are not supported
    Example: 2
  • Sorts the response by the specified field name and sort order.
    Example: objectNum
  • Search criteria to filter results based on field value
    Example: where equals(active,1)
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

A collection of Revenue Center Parameters of the organization
Body ()
Root Schema : RevenueCenterParameterGetResponse
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Array of Revenue Center Parameter objects of the organization.
Show Source
Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter
Type: object
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Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter_addOrTransferRVCs
Type: object
An object representing the eight revenue centers from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center.
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  • Object number of the 1st revenue center from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center
    Example: 0
  • Object number of the 2nd revenue center from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center
    Example: 0
  • Object number of the 3rd revenue center from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center
    Example: 0
  • Object number of the 4th revenue center from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center
    Example: 0
  • Object number of the 5th revenue center from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center
    Example: 0
  • Object number of the 6th revenue center from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center
    Example: 0
  • Object number of the 7th revenue center from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center
    Example: 0
  • Object number of the 8th revenue center from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center
    Example: 0
Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter_autoFireOptionsExt
Type: object
An object containing the descriptive autofire options list associated with the Revenue Center Parameter
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Nested Schema : TranslatedString_autofireWSName
Type: object
A string that contains translations of autofireWSName into multiple languages
    "es-MX":"Puesto de trabajo"
Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter_creditCardOptionsExt
Type: object
An object containing the descriptive credit card options list associated with the Revenue Center Parameter
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Nested Schema : TranslatedString_defaultAutoFireTenderMediaName
Type: object
A string that contains translations of defaultAutoFireTenderMediaName into multiple languages
Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter_interfaces
Type: object
An object representing the eight revenue centers from which checks can be transferred into this revenue center.
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Nested Schema : locName
Type: object
A group of string objects representing the name of the location in configured languages
Nested Schema : name
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
A group of string objects representing the name of the revenue center configured languages
Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter_optionsExt
Type: object
An object containing the descriptive options list associated with the Revenue Center Parameter.
Show Source
  • A flag indicating to allow this revenue center to accept barcodes that use European Article Numbering (EAN). Deselect to prevent EAN barcodes from being accepted in this revenue center.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to use the Combo key with Auto Combo Meal recognition.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to enable Auto Combo Meal recognition to create combo meals from menu items ordered in previous rounds.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to allow combo meal substitution when the replacement menu item is ordered from a non-Combo Meal Orderer page.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to allow privileged workstation operators to perform fast transactions. Deselect to require workstation operators to begin transactions using a Begin Check key.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to allow Sign In with no Operator record.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to begin the seat numbers of the source check at the next available seat number on the destination check. The source check is the guest check that was added to the destination (original) guest check. Deselect to post all detail entry from the source check to seat 0 (no seat).
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to attempt to create combo meals from menu items added to the check in the current round. The system looks for combo meals after adding each menu item.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to create combo meals from returned menu items.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating option for one of the following purposes: 1. If # of Guests Before Auto Service Charge is set to a value greater than 0, enabling this causes the Auto Service Charge to default to off, but when a transaction has the number of guests specified in the # of Guests Before Auto Service Charge, the Auto Service Charge becomes active. 2. If # of Guests Before Auto Service Charge is 0, the workstation operator can apply the appropriate service charge. Deselect to apply the Automatic Service Charge programmed in the Tender Parameters module on every transaction.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to show a blank screen on the workstation's rear customer display (or remote pole display) when no operator is signed into the workstation. Deselect to show Closed when no workstation operator is signed in.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to set the active Main Level for the current round after using Change Price Main Level.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to set the active Sub Level for the current round after using Change Price Sub Level.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to expand barcodes entered in 8-digit (UPC-E) format to 12-digit (UPC-A) format.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to automatically set the seat number of a new guest check to 1. Deselect to force workstation operators to use the Seat /Next Seat key to activate a seat number before posting detail items to a guest check
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to prevent unauthorized users from paying or service totaling checks that have an Insufficient Beverage Count. The employee role privilege, Authorize/Perform Payment and Service Total of Insufficient Beverage Checks, allows users to pay and service total Insufficient Beverage Checks, even if this RVC Parameter option is enabled.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to prevent workstation operators from service totaling a fast transaction. Deselect to allow workstation operators to convert a fast transaction to a guest check transaction by pressing a service total key.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to allow Automatic Discounts to be applied in this revenue center.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to enable Dynamic Order Mode for this revenue center. When DOM is enabled, the Cancel Order function voids previous round items and then marks the check as cancelled.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to enable the Follow Me feature for this revenue center.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to activate Hold and Fire and Timed Fire for this revenue center.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to enable Simphony Transaction Services Gen 2 this revenue center.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to enable the Suspend/Resume functionality.
    Example: false
  • The last digit in a UPC number is a check digit. A Check Digit Verification (CDV) algorithm can be used to test an NLU entry to ensure that it is a valid UPC number.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to keep seat numbers assigned to check detail when the check is added or transferred to another check.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to cause a voided closed guest check to retain its original guest check number.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to edit and track Menu Item Availability and Out of Menu Item for all definitions of a menu item.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to prevent transactions from prompting for charged tips or allowing change due for Tender/Media keys that are programmed to prompt for charged tips.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to limit the number of seats on a guest check from exceeding a check's specified guest count. Deselect to allow any number of seats on a guest check.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating that the workstation functions as though the Workstation option Do Not Clear Screen After Transaction is enabled.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating if workstation operators require to assign a guest check number when beginning a new transaction. Deselect to have the system assign sequential guest check numbers.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to prevent workstation operators from changing to a revenue center where they do not have an operator record. This prevents an employee without an operator record for a revenue center from performing authorizations. Oracle recommends enabling this option.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to print the Closed Check Edit message on guest checks and customer receipts if the closed check was adjusted.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to automatically print split checks if the table number is 0. Set this option in environments where guest checks are begun and picked up by check number.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to prorate itemizers (sales, service charges, discounts, and taxes) on a partially-tendered guest check and post those amounts to a PMS. Deselect to post all itemizers during tendering.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to remain at the current Main Level upon completion of a transaction. Deselect to maintain the default Main Level.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to remain at the current Sub Level upon completion of a transaction. Deselect to maintain the default Sub Level.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to show a list of combo meals when attempting to create meals from the menu items already on the check.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to sort the Open Checks SLU in this revenue center by table name.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to suppress the workstation from displaying the Charge Tip Amount is 0.00? prompt.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to suppress the display of menu items with an availability count of zero or with the Out of Item status set to true.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to test SKUs entered in this revenue center for checksum validity using the check digit appended to the number. Deselect to suppress the SKU validity test.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to enable the Beverage Control feature, which controls and tracks whether a beverage has been included on a guest check.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating if workstation operators require to enter the employee number when declaring tips paid.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating if workstation operators require to enter the employee number when posting an employee meal. Deselect to require the employee ID number.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to use the 5-digit table numbers programmed in the Tables module. Deselect to use the 4-character Table Name entered in the Tables module. Deselect when using International LDS.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to have the Beverage Control feature compare the number of beverages included in the guest check detail to the number of guests
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to cause guest counts for transactions to be determined by the number of seats entered on guest checks. If the workstation operator presses the (Number of Guests) key during a transaction, the guest count no longer increments when seats are added to the check, and going forward, the operator must manually maintain the guest count.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to prompt for the employee's Payroll ID during an employee discount/employee meal transaction.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to assign check numbers by revenue center (from the Check and Posting Service).
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to use Service Charge as Deposit Forfeit Return Item.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to print declared tips transactions at the designated validation printer.
    Example: false
Nested Schema : overridenSODTimes
Type: array
An array of overridden start of day times.
Show Source
Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter_postingOptionsExt
Type: object
An object containing the descriptive options list associated with the Revenue Center Parameter.
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  • A flag indicating to prevent transactions with a zero balance or a negative balance from incrementing the guest count or the guest check count.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to prevent posting sales in this revenue center to the Gross F&B Receipts and Charged Receipts totals on Tip Reports.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to decrement the guest count (wherever guest counts are posted) when a guest check is driven less than zero, including PMS interfaces and SIM scripts.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to post tenders and tips to the transaction operator's tracking group totals.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to post voided tender totals to the original tendering employee.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to post totals to the Cashier Totals of the check operator (the employee who began the check) if the transaction operator (the employee who picked up the check, or for whom the check was begun) does not have an active Cashier Totals link.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to post sales to a check's Order Type for items belonging to other Order Types.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to post sales totals, tenders, and tips to the transaction operator's report totals. Deselect to post sales totals, tenders, and tips to the check operator.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to round percentage amounts based on the second least significant digit.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to round percentage discount amounts according to the Round Discount % to 0, 10 and Round Discount % based on 10s digit option settings. Deselect to round the amounts to the nearest least significant digit.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to round percentage amounts to the nearest 0 or 10 increment. Deselect to round percentage amounts to the nearest 0, 5, or 10 increment.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to round percentage service charged amounts based on the second least significant digit. Deselect to round the percentage amounts based on the least significant digit.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to round percentage service charge amounts according to the Round Service Charge % to 0, 10 and Round Service Charge % based on 10s digit option settings.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to round percentage service charge amounts to the nearest 0 or 10 increment. Deselect to round the percentage amounts to the nearest 0, 5, or 10 increment. You must also select Round Service Charge % Entries.
    Example: false
  • A flag indicating to post totals and PMS charges using the serving period that is active when beginning the check.
    Example: false
Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter_tmsInterfaceOptions
Type: object
An object containing the table management system interface options for the revenue center
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Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameter_overridenSODTimes
Type: object
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Nested Schema : TranslatedString_tmsLinkName
Type: object
A string that contains translations of tmsLinkName into multiple languages
Nested Schema : RevenueCenterParameters_tmsOptionsExt
Type: object
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Nested Schema : TranslatedString_tmsUserWorkstationName
Type: object
A string that contains translations of tmsUserWorkstationName into multiple languages
    "es-MX":"puesto de trabajo"

400 Response

400 Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorDetails
Type: object
Response body when the request returns an error.
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404 Response

404 Requested resource not found
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