Get Tender Media



Gets all the Tender Media configured


Supported Media Types
Body ()
A request body
Root Schema : TenderMediaGetRequestBody
Type: object
The input Body model that needs to be given.
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  • Objects included in response
  • This can take 2 values: basic or detailed. If 'basic' is specified, The response contains all the properties of the object except Ext values. If 'detailed' is specified, The response contains all the properties of the object.
    Example: detailed
  • If specified, limits translated strings returned
  • If using paging, number of results returned in this page.
  • Starting resource record index. Not required if paging parameters are not supported
  • Search criteria to filter results based on field value
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

A collection of Tender Media objects of the organization
Body ()
Root Schema : TenderMediaGetResponse
Type: object
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Nested Schema : PrintClassNameTranslatedString
Type: object
A string that contains translations of print class name into multiple languages
    "en-US":"Hotline PC",
Nested Schema : NameTranslatedString
Type: object
name of the Tender Media
    "en-US":"Order Device 1",
    "es-MX":"Dispositivo de pedido 1"
Nested Schema : creditCardOptions
Type: object
An object containing the credit card options associated with the Tender / Media
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  • The amount that can be charged on a credit card before sending an authorization request to a credit card processor.
    Example: 0
  • The limit for which credit cards are considered to have a good authorization when the credit card service is offline. You must also select Use CA Offline Base Limit when CA Offline in the RVC Parameters module
    Example: 0
  • The percentage amount (above the check amount) to authorize. Use this field to obtain an authorization that includes the potential tip amount. Override this setting at the revenue center by selecting Do Not Estimate Tips of Credit Card Authorizations.
    Example: 0
  • A charge amount to be authorized before sales begin. Enter 0.00 to prompt for an amount. This field is used at sites that require a credit card to have a certain amount available, so the workstation operator can begin a tab.
    Example: 0
  • the amount to be charged on a credit card before a voucher includes a signature line.
    Example: 0
  • The percentage amount (above the check amount) to authorize. Use this field to obtain an authorization that includes the potential tip amount. Override this setting at the revenue center by selecting Do Not Estimate Tips of Credit Card Authorizations.
    Example: 0
  • A String of Values of 0s and 1s of length 128 representing the enablement or disablement of the credit card options associated with Tender Media
    Example: 11000111110100001110111101011100000010110000001111001000100011101000000000000000010010100111000110000000000000000000000000000000
  • optionsExt
    An object containing the descriptive credit card option list for the Tender Media
  • preambles
    An array of preambles defined for the tender/ media.
  • The amount that is checked by the system to determine if credit card vouchers are printed or not if Quick Service Transactions are enabled for an RVC (RVC Parameters Option 18 Enable Quick Service Transactions),. If the check total on the transaction is higher than the number in this field, a credit card voucher prints.
    Example: 0
  • The amount above the initial authorization that must be exceeded before a second authorization is required. You must also select the credit card option Use Amount Secondary Floor Limits in the RVC Parameters module
    Example: 0
  • The percentage above the initial authorization amount that must be exceeded before a second authorization is required. You must also select the credit card option Use Percent Secondary Floor Limits in the RVC Parameters module.
    Example: 0
  • The limit for which credit cards are considered to have a good authorization when the workstation is offline. When this limit is exceeded, only employees with the Role privilege to exceed the threshold can pay transactions.
    Example: 0
Nested Schema : dataExtensions
Type: object
An array of data extensions for the tender / media
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Nested Schema : EffectivityGroupTranslatedString
Type: object
name of the effectivity group
    "en-US":"Effectivity Group 1",
    "es-MX":"Grupo de efectividad 1"
Nested Schema : exemptTaxesExt
Type: object
Expanded Tax Rates
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Nested Schema : HierUnitNameTranslatedString
Type: object
A string that contains translations of hierarchy unit name into multiple languages
Nested Schema : interfaceOptions
Type: object
An object containing the interface link and options associated with the Tender / Media
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Nested Schema : menuLevels
Type: object
An object containing the menu levels on which the Tender / Media is active
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  • A string value of 0s and 1s of length 8 representing Main Levels
    Example: 00001011
  • mainLevelExt
    Main level descriptions
  • The Main Level that becomes active after pressing this Tender/Media. Enable Transaction Default to return the transaction to the default Main Level, select 0-Stay Down to retain the current transaction levels, or select a level 1-8 to become active.
    Example: 1
  • A string value of 0s and 1s of length 8 representing Sub levels
    Example: 00001011
  • sublevelExt
    Sub levels names
  • The Sub Level that becomes active after pressing this Tender/Media. Enable Transaction Default to return the transaction to the default Sub Level, select 0-Stay Down to retain the current transaction levels, or select a level 1-8 to become active
    Example: 1
  • return the transaction to the default transaction Main Level after pressing this Tender/Media
    Example: false
  • return the transaction to the default transaction Sub Level after pressing this Tender/Media.
    Example: false
Nested Schema : miscOptions
Type: object
An array of miscellaneous options associated with the tender media
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  • The percentage amount to which the tip screen (on Signature Capture pads) defaults when using the Tender/Media.
    Example: 1
  • the High Amount Lock Out value for the Tender/Media. The value must contain all zeroes except for the first digit.
    Example: 1
  • A string value of 0s and 1s of length 128 representing Miscellaneous options
    Example: 11000111110100001110111101011100000010110000001111001000100011101000000000000000010010100111000110000000000000000000000000000000
  • optionsExt
    Expanded Miscellaneous options
Nested Schema : opsOptionsExt
Type: object
Expanded POS client behavior options
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  • have transactions performed for this tender affect the Cash Pull Threshold Sets balance. Set this option only for tenders that present a loss if lost or stolen
    Example: true
  • record the exact amount due as the entry. You must also deselect Amount Required. If you deselect both this option and Amount Required, the system records 0.00 as the entry.
    Example: true
  • prevent the Tender/Media from being used to partially tender a transaction.
    Example: true
  • for tax exempt coupon tenders that exclude service charges, but prorate other sales itemizers when applying a tax exempt coupon to the transaction. Deselect to prorate the comp amount equally between the sales itemizers and the service charge.
    Example: true
  • exempt the automatic service charge when pressing this key, and to print an X near the tender key line on checks, receipts, and the journal.
    Example: true
  • require an amount when using this tender. When pressing this tender button without entering an amount, the workstation prompts, Enter [Tender] Amount. If you deselect this option and select Assume Paid in Full, the tender is used for 0.00, unless the workstation operator enters an amount before pressing the tender key.
    Example: true
  • include the tender in Cash Management tracking and reporting
    Example: true
  • post transaction amounts tendered with this key to the Employee Meal totals on reports. This requires entry of an employee number or ID representing the employee eating the meal. You must also set On = Use Employee Number with Employee Meal; Off = Use ID Number to determine whether the employee number or ID is used
    Example: true
  • allow the Tender/Media to be shared between two or more seats, or two or more checks when using Touch Split or Touch Edit
    Example: true
  • mask the account number (gift card number or other reference entry) on workstations, checks, and receipts. For use with tenders that do not require credit card authorizations.
    Example: true
  • use the Tender/Media as an employee meal for employees on breaks. You must use timekeeping and select the Employee Meal tender option. Deselect to ignore the time schedule before applying the Tender/Media
    Example: true
  • use the Tender/Media as an employee meal for employees scheduled to work. You must use timekeeping and select the Employee Meal tender option. Deselect to ignore the time schedule before applying the Tender/Media
    Example: true
  • disallow this tender for meals with a placeholder item
    Example: true
  • Open the cash drawer when pressing this key. This option is ignored if you select Open Drawer Only if Balance Due is 0.00 for the revenue center. Override these settings for transactions that do not change the transaction balance from 0.00, by selecting Do Not Open Drawer if Subtotal is 0.00 for the revenue center.
    Example: true
  • prompt for a tender usage reason.
    Example: true
  • A boolean value to determine whether or not a reference entry is required when using this key.
    Example: true
  • round the change due down instead of up if rounding has been enabled and the unrounded change due is exactly half of the rounding number.
    Example: true
  • accept payments to the exact amount and to round change due. This overrides option 87-Rounded Payments and Change. If you select 88-Round Payments and Change To the Nearest 0, the least significant decimal digit is rounded to 0 or 10. Deselect option 88 to round the least significant decimal digit to 0 or 5.
    Example: true
  • round change due resulting from an overtender. If you deselect 88-Round Payments and Change To the Nearest 0, the least significant decimal digit rounds to 0 or 5. If you select option 88, the least significant decimal digit rounds to 0 or 10.
    Example: true
  • round payments and change to the nearest 0 or 10. You must also select 56-Round Change Due or 87-Rounded Payments and Change.
    Example: true
  • round the Tender/Media up to the next-highest whole number amount. You must also select Assume Paid in Full.
    Example: true
  • round payments and change to the nearest 50 or 100 (depending on the setting of option 88). You must also select 56-Round Change Due or 87-Rounded Payments and Change.
    Example: true
  • use the Tender/Media for stored value transactions
    Example: true
  • post payment amounts entered through a currency key to this payment key
    Example: true
Nested Schema : paymentChargeTipOptionsExt
Type: object
An object containing the descriptive payment charge tip option list for the Tender Media
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Nested Schema : printOptionsExt
Type: object
An object containing the descriptive print option list for the Tender Media
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  • A Boolean flag indicating to increment the active seat number or active memo check number to the next number each time this key is used to print. This allows the workstation operator to tender, in succession, all seat checks or memo checks active for one transaction. Use this option with seat filtering or memo checks, and when a single seat is active in the filter of the current guest check.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag that indicates whether or not to allow this tender for meals with a placeholder item.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print two checks or receipts for the Tender/Media. For use when credit card authorization vouchers print on a thermal printer
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag that indicates whether or not to print a banquet check..
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print the check when tendered with this key (required for on-demand operators).
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print trailer lines at the end of the check.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print the trailer on the receipt when using the tender to close a fast transaction. This option is unaffected by the setting of the Print Check Trailer option
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to cause this key to force the printing of a customer receipt. Customer receipts do not print in revenue centers where the On Demand Customer Receipts option is enabled
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print inclusive tax or VAT lines on the guest check or customer receipt.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to allow this key to print memo checks.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print sales itemizer lines on checks, receipts, and memo checks when using this Tender/Media. You must also select 21 - Print Summary Totals. Sales itemizer lines include the sales itemizer name and the sales itemizer total.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print summary totals (subtotal, tax, amount due, and change due) on checks, receipts, and memo checks when using this key.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag that indicates whether or not to prompt to confirm printing two checks or receipts when using this Tender/Media. Commonly used when credit card authorization vouchers print on a thermal printer.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to send a Print Check message to the TMS. For use with the PROHOST Table Management System.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag that indicates whether or not to reprint orders to the order printers for this Tender/Media. For use when a kitchen printer stops and an order is lost.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to send a Print Check message to the TMS on a final tender only. For use with the PROHOST Table Management System.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print a validation chit when using this key
    Example: false
Nested Schema : ReportGroupNameTranslatedString
Type: object
A group of string objects representing the name of routing group to use for each print class if Routing Group Printing is enabled in configured languages
    "en-US":"Routing Group",
Nested Schema : SvcTranslatedString
Type: object
service charge name of the Tender Media
    "en-US":"Order Device 1",
    "es-MX":"Dispositivo de pedido 1"
Nested Schema : TmSluNameTranslatedString
Type: object
A string that contains translations of tender media SLU name into multiple languages
    "en-US":"Hotline PC",
Nested Schema : optionsExt
Type: object
An object containing the descriptive credit card option list for the Tender Media
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  • A Boolean flag indicating to use the Mod-10 algorithm to test for a valid credit card number.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to compare the date entered in the system clock with the expiration date of credit cards presented for payment. Expired credit cards are not accepted for payment. If using a magnetic card reader, the credit card date is entered automatically when the card is read; otherwise, the workstation operator must enter the expiration date. Deselect for tendering keys that do not check expiration dates.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to suppress printing of a credit card voucher when the Require Credit Authorization option is selected. Use this option with a Personal Check tender type and a check authorization system. A voucher is usually not needed in this situation as the guest's signature is on the check.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating if the card supports prepaid credit cards. This allows a partial authorization when the remaining card balance is less than the requested authorization amount.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to authorize a credit card without printing a voucher (in revenue centers that allow Quick Service Transactions), when the check total is under the amount set in the Quick Service Limit field
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to post token information to the reporting database for credit card transactions with the TV2G driver.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to require the cardholder's full address with Address Verification Service (AVS). Deselect to prompt for the cardholder's 5-digit zip code.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to require Address Verification Service (AVS) entry when swiping a credit card.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to require Address Verification Service (AVS) entry when manually entering a credit card number.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to enable the start date prompt for the EAME credit card driver.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to require payment submittal to a credit card processor for approval when using the CA/EDC option. This option also prints a credit authorization voucher, unless the Do Not Print Credit Card Voucher option is set.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to require Card Verification Value (CVV) entry or card present number entry when swiping a credit card.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to require Card Verification Value (CVV) entry or card present number entry when manually entering a credit card number.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to allow this key to use the Credit Card Recall feature. Credit Card Recall is not used with Credit Authorization.
    Example: false
Nested Schema : preambles
Type: object
An array of preambles defined for the tender/ media.
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  • the end range of a preamble number for the credit card. If the preamble record defines a range (3050 to 3090), this field represents the end range (3090*). The end field, if specified, will only have numeric characters followed by a single * character. The length of start and end fields should be same. Value of start field has to be strictly lower than value of end field.
    Example: 3090*
  • the number of digits in the credit card number that is associated with the preamble record. If the length field is specified, then both start and end fields' length before * should be less than or equal to the specified value of length field.
    Example: 4
  • a preamble number for the credit card. If the preamble record defines a range (3050 to 3090), this field represents the begin range (3050*). The start field cannot be empty, and will only have numeric characters followed by a single * character.
    Example: 3050*
Nested Schema : InterfaceTranslatedString
Type: object
A group of strings representing the name of the interface in translatable languages
    "en-US":"Effectivity Group 1",
    "es-MX":"Grupo de efectividad 1"
Nested Schema : optionsExt
Type: object
An object containing the descriptive interface option list for the Tender Media
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  • A Boolean flag indicating to allow a 19-digit reference entry for PMS posting or a 19-digit account number for credit cards.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to post 0.00 transactions to the interface for this tender.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to post the gross amount tendered by this key to the PMS. This also exempts the specific tax type when using the Tender/Media.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to print the PMS Response and the Posting Message on checks.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to reverse the itemizers sent to the PMS when posting the Tender/Media as a void. You must also select Partial Tender Not Allowed.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to search for an alternate tender when an attempted PMS posting times out. If a PMS posting times out, the system searches for another Tender/Media with the same NLU number as the first, and posts to that key instead. When the system posts to an alternate Tender/Media key after a PMS timeout, the alternate Tender/Media uses the Key Type and Output options of the original Tender/Media. If an establishment wants the alternate key to follow its own Key Type and Output options, a SIM script can be written to redefine these fields for the alternate Tender/Media. If the posting required credit authorization, previous CA entries change to reflect the new Tender/Media.
    Example: false
  • A Boolean flag indicating to use the Tender/Media key to initiate an Interface Script Language (ISL) procedure instead of a PMS posting. Deselect if using a standard PMS interface.
    Example: false
Nested Schema : mainLevelExt
Type: object
Main level descriptions
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Nested Schema : sublevelExt
Type: object
Sub levels names
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Nested Schema : optionsExt
Type: object
Expanded Miscellaneous options
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  • enable the High Amount Lock Out for this Tender/Media.
    Example: false
  • print a receipt (without a barcode) for the merchant when using this tender. Use this option with the Quebec SRM Printer.
    Example: false
  • compute the HALO for this Tender/Media on the amount entered. You must also select Enable HALO. Deselect to apply the HALO to the overtender amount. Set the HALO Code to 0 and deselect this option to prevent the workstation operator from issuing change for this Tender/Media.
    Example: false

400 Response

400 Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorDetails
Type: object
Response body when the request returns an error.
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