
Definitions are available for use in the hierarchy of a node and all nodes nested underneath it. The definitions may look like the following (in order of hierarchy):
  • A enterprise level menu item price record for all RVCs.

  • A location level discount available in that location???s RVCs.

  • A zone level tax rate available in all zones, locations and RVCs.

You can override a setting inherited from a higher hierarchy level by setting a value at a lower point. Using the aforementioned example definition structure:
  • A price record defined in Location 1 will override a price record defined at the hierarchy, zone 1, zone 2, or zone 3.

  • To determine which record takes precedence, the system uses the definition closest to the RVC.

  • A RVC level definition is always used.

  • Enterprise definitions are always overridden by an RVC, if there are lower level definitions (in a zone, location, or RVC)