Step 3: API Account Sign In

Next, the client application needs to submit the API account's sign in credentials to the server. On successful sign in, an authorization code will be returned in the response which can then be exchanged for an "id_token" in the following step.


Invoke the below API and pass the required information for obtaining an authorization code:
  • URL : {{HOST}}/oidc-provider/v1/oauth2/signin

  • Operation Type: POST

  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Body Parameters:

    • username* - API account's user name

    • password* - API account's password

    • orgname* - Organization short name of your Oracle MICROS Simphony enterprise.

Sample Request:


The response returns the authorization code if the request is successful. Below are two possible responses:

Status 200:
"nextOp": "redirect",
"success": "true",
"redirectUrl": "?code=<auth_code>"
Status 401:
"status": 401,
"message": "invalid.credentials",