Organization API REST Endpoints

Organization API
The STS Gen2 Organization API is used to interact with organizations, locations, and revenue centers within the organization. It also provides a search capability to support the ability to find locations in an organization or revenue centers within a single location based on geographic location.


The {basePath} for resources on the Organization API is:


The Organization API provides access to organizations, locations, and revenue center resources.

An organization has one or more locations, and each location has one more revenue centers. The identifier for an organization in the API is orgShortName, the identifier for a location in the API is locRef, and the identifier for a revenue center in the API is rvcRef. The identifiers for locations are not unique across all organizations and similarly the identifiers for revenue centers are not unique across all locations within an organization. Since there is no uniqueness the path to access each of the resources must include its parent resource. For this reason, we end up with the following paths to GET each resource.

Get a list of all locations for an organization
Method: get
Path: {basePath}/organizations/{orgShortName}/locations
Get a list of all revenue centers for a location
Method: get
Path: {basePath}/organizations/{orgShortName}/locations/{locRef}/revenueCenters
Get a list of organizations
Method: get
Path: {basePath}/organizations
Get a location by the specified identifier for an organization
Method: get
Path: {basePath}/organizations/{orgShortName}/locations/{locRef}
Get a revenue center by the specified identifier for a location
Method: get
Path: {basePath}/organizations/{orgShortName}/locations/{locRef}/revenueCenters/{rvcRef}
Get an organization by the specified identifier
Method: get
Path: {basePath}/organizations/{orgShortName}
Get search for locations within an organization
Method: get
Path: {basePath}/search/locations
Get search for revenue centers within a location
Method: get
Path: {basePath}/search/revenueCenters