Get a menu




API returns menu. A menu describes the set of items that can be ordered from a revenue center. The menu includes the menu items, prices, and related information necessary to order an item.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

A Menu
  • The current entity-tag for the selected representation. See RFC 7232 Section 2.3
  • A timestamp indicating the date and time at which the origin server believes the selected representation was last modified. See RFC 7232 Section 2.2
Body ()
Root Schema : Menu
Type: object
A menu is a collection of the Menu Items and Condiments that are used to create an order. The menu provides information about the price of the items and the rules to follow for applying condiments to menu items.
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Nested Schema : allergens
Type: array
Array of allergens.
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Nested Schema : comboMeals
Type: array
Array of combo meals.
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Nested Schema : condimentGroups
Type: array
Array of contiment groups.
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Nested Schema : condimentItems
Type: array
Array of condiment items.
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  • CondimentItem
    A Condiment Item is an item used to provide information about how a menu item is prepared. Condiments may have prices that add to price of the item it modifies. Condiments may also have default condiments and its condiment modifications, e.g., a Steak with Salad option that has a dressing option.
Nested Schema : familyGroups
Type: array
Array of family groups.
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Nested Schema : menuItems
Type: array
Array of menu items.
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Nested Schema : MenuSummaryProperties
Type: object
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Nested Schema : Allergen
Type: object
Model for an allergen
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Nested Schema : TranslatedString
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
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A string that contains translations into multiple languages Example:n`{ "en-US": "coffee", "de-DE": "kaffee"}`
Nested Schema : ComboMealItem
Type: object
A Combo Meal that can be ordered.
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Nested Schema : comboGroups
Type: array
Array of Combo Group items from which user will make selections to complete definition of the combo.
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Nested Schema : ComboGroupItem
Type: object
A Combo Group.
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Nested Schema : menuItems
Type: array
The collection of menu items that are selected when picking items from this combo group. Array of Combo Menu Items.
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Nested Schema : prices
Type: array
An array of zero or more prices for the combo menu item.
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Nested Schema : ComboMenuItem
Type: object
A menu item which is part of a combo meal.
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Nested Schema : prices
Type: array
An array of zero or more prices for the combo menu item.
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Nested Schema : ComboMenuItemPrice
Type: array
Combo menu item price is the amount charged for the sale of a combo menu item.
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Nested Schema : CondimentGroup
Type: object
A group that references one-or-more condiment items.
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Nested Schema : condimentItemRefs
Type: array
An array of references to items in the `Menu.condimentItems` collection.
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Nested Schema : ConsumerContentProperties
Type: object
A collection of consumer based content
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Nested Schema : images
Type: array
Array of images.
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Nested Schema : CondimentItem
Type: object
A Condiment Item is an item used to provide information about how a menu item is prepared. Condiments may have prices that add to price of the item it modifies. Condiments may also have default condiments and its condiment modifications, e.g., a Steak with Salad option that has a dressing option.
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Nested Schema : definitions
Type: array
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Nested Schema : dietaryInformation
Type: array
Dietary information for this condiment item
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Nested Schema : NamedObject
Type: object
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Nested Schema : tagGroups
Type: array
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Nested Schema : tags
Type: array
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Nested Schema : CondimentItemDefinition
Type: object
A condiment item definition contains operational attributes of a condiment item.
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Nested Schema : allergens
Type: array
List of identifiers that references allergens that apply to this condiment item.
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Nested Schema : ExtensionData
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
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Container for extension data
Nested Schema : nutritionalData
Type: array
List of nutritional Data that apply to this condiment item.
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  • NutritionalData
    Nutritional data for a menu item. It is assumed that nutritional items are defined where the serving size is one of the menu item.
Nested Schema : options
Type: array
A list of option values. If present the corresponding option is set. Duplicates are ignored. (Note - Supported by Simphony version 19.2.1 or greater. Ignored for Simphony version 19.2.0.)
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Nested Schema : prices
Type: array
Collection of prices that can be used when ordering a condiment item.
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Nested Schema : slus
Type: array
A collection of the screen-lookup groups for the item. This value is provided to group or filter items on a user interface.
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Nested Schema : tagGroups
Type: array
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Nested Schema : tags
Type: array
List of tags that apply to this condiment item.
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Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: object
Nested Schema : NutritionalData
Type: object
Nutritional data for a menu item. It is assumed that nutritional items are defined where the serving size is one of the menu item.
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Nested Schema : MenuItemPrice
Type: object
Represents a price for a menu item.
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Nested Schema : ScreenLookup
Type: object
Information about a Screen Lookup (SLU)
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Nested Schema : images
Type: array
Array of images.
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Nested Schema : TagGroup
Type: object
A group of tags
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Nested Schema : tags
Type: array
The tags in this tag group, can be empty
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Nested Schema : FamilyGroupItem
Type: object
Model for a Family Group
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Nested Schema : images
Type: array
Array of images.
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Nested Schema : MenuItem
Type: object
A Menu Item is an item that is ordered.
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Nested Schema : definitions
Type: array
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Nested Schema : dietaryInformation
Type: array
Dietary information for this menu item
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Nested Schema : tagGroups
Type: array
Array of tag groups.
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Nested Schema : tags
Type: array
Array of tags.
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Nested Schema : MenuItemDefinition
Type: object
A menu item definition contains operational attributes of a menu item.
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Nested Schema : allergens
Type: array
List of identifiers that references allergens that apply to this menu item.
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Nested Schema : condimentGroupRules
Type: array
Defines a set of condiment groups from which items are selected when adding an the menu item to a guest check.
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Nested Schema : defaultCondiments
Type: array
The collection of condiments associated with the menu item by default.
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Nested Schema : nutritionalData
Type: array
A list of nutritional data for the menu item. It is assumed that nutritional items are defined where the serving size is one of the menu item.
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  • NutritionalData
    Nutritional data for a menu item. It is assumed that nutritional items are defined where the serving size is one of the menu item.
Nested Schema : options
Type: array
A list of option values. If present the corresponding option is set. Duplicates are ignored. (Note - Supported by Simphony version 19.2.1 or greater. Ignored for Simphony version 19.2.0.)
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Nested Schema : prices
Type: array
Collection of prices that can be uses when ordering a menu item.
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Nested Schema : slus
Type: array
A collection of the screen-lookup groups for the item. This value is provided to group or filter items on a user interface.
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Nested Schema : tagGroups
Type: array
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Nested Schema : tags
Type: array
List of tags that apply to this menu item.
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Nested Schema : CondimentGroupRule
Type: object
Represents a rule for condiment group that describes condiment selection rules used when adding an menu item to a check.
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  • Reference to an item in the `Menu.condimentGroups` collection.
    Example: 5802109
  • The maximum number of items to select from this group when adding the menu item to a check. A value of zero indicates no maximum.
    Example: 0
  • The minimum number of items to select from this group when adding the menu item to a check. A value of zero indicates no minimum and that selection of an item from this group is optional.
    Example: 1
Nested Schema : DefaultCondiment
Type: object
Represents a default condiment for a menu item.
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Nested Schema : OrgLocRvcProperties
Type: object
A collection of properties for orgShortName, locRef and rvcRef
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304 Response

304 Not Modified

400 Response

400 Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ConfigurationApiProblemDetails
Type: object
Problem details is used as standard model for reporting details when HTTP error status code is returned. This definition is defined by [RFC7807]( The content type for this response is `application/problem+json`
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  • A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
    Example: The OrgShortName value is required.
  • A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.
    Example: required_value_missing
  • A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
    Example: Required value not specified.
  • A URI reference that identifies the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
    Example: error:validation
    "title":"Required value not specified.",
    "details":"The OrgShortName value is required.",

404 Response

404 Requested resource not found
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Example Request Body

Not applicable for this endpoint.

Example Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "menuItems": [
      "name": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
      "menuItemId": 32,
      "familyGroupRef": 0,
      "definitions": [
          "definitionSequence": 0,
          "name": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "name2": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "slus": [
              "sluNumber": 0,
              "sluId": 0,
              "name": {
                "en-US": "Coffee",
                "de-DE": "Kaffee",
                "ar-AR": "قهوة"
              "images": [
                  "index": "string",
                  "url": "",
                  "altText": "pizza",
                  "description": "string",
                  "isCloudImage": true,
                  "size": "string"
          "taxClassRef": 0,
          "prices": [
              "priceSequence": 0,
              "price": 0,
              "name": "string"
          "defaultCondiments": [
              "condimentRef": 0,
              "quantity": 1
          "condimentGroupRules": [
              "condimentGroupRef": 5802109,
              "minimumCount": 1,
              "maximumCount": 0
          "consumerName": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "consumerDescription": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "images": [
              "index": "string",
              "url": "",
              "altText": "pizza",
              "description": "string",
              "isCloudImage": true,
              "size": "string"
          "consumerAdvisoryText": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "allergens": [
          "nutritionalData": [
              "nutritionalItemId": "fat, sodium",
              "value": 475,
              "unitOfMeasure": "grams, milligrams, calorie",
              "name": {
                "en-US": "Coffee",
                "de-DE": "Kaffee",
                "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "options": [
          "tags": [
          "tagGroups": [
              "id": "string",
              "tags": [
          "extensions": {
            "additionalProp1": "string",
            "additionalProp2": "string",
            "additionalProp3": "string"
      "dietaryInformation": [
      "tags": [
      "tagGroups": [
          "id": "string",
          "tags": [
  "comboMeals": [
      "comboMealId": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "menuItemRef": 0,
      "comboGroups": [
          "comboGroupId": 0,
          "name": "string",
          "count": 0,
          "isMainGroup": true,
          "prices": [
              "priceSequence": 0,
              "price": 0
          "menuItems": [
              "menuItemRef": 0,
              "count": 0,
              "prices": [
                  "priceSequence": 0,
                  "price": 0
  "condimentItems": [
      "name": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
      "condimentId": 32,
      "familyGroupRef": 0,
      "definitions": [
          "number": 0,
          "name": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "name2": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "slus": [
              "sluNumber": 0,
              "sluId": 0,
              "name": {
                "en-US": "Coffee",
                "de-DE": "Kaffee",
                "ar-AR": "قهوة"
              "images": [
                  "index": "string",
                  "url": "",
                  "altText": "pizza",
                  "description": "string",
                  "isCloudImage": true,
                  "size": "string"
          "prices": [
              "priceSequence": 0,
              "price": 0,
              "name": "string"
          "consumerName": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "consumerDescription": {
            "en-US": "Coffee",
            "de-DE": "Kaffee",
            "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "images": [
              "index": "string",
              "url": "",
              "altText": "pizza",
              "description": "string",
              "isCloudImage": true,
              "size": "string"
          "allergens": [
          "nutritionalData": [
              "nutritionalItemId": "fat, sodium",
              "value": 475,
              "unitOfMeasure": "grams, milligrams, calorie",
              "name": {
                "en-US": "Coffee",
                "de-DE": "Kaffee",
                "ar-AR": "قهوة"
          "options": [
          "tags": [
          "tagGroups": [
              "id": "string",
              "tags": [
          "extensions": {
            "additionalProp1": "string",
            "additionalProp2": "string",
            "additionalProp3": "string"
      "dietaryInformation": [
      "tags": [
      "tagGroups": [
          "id": "string",
          "tags": [
  "condimentGroups": [
      "condimentGroupId": 32,
      "name": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
      "condimentItemRefs": [
      "consumerName": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
      "consumerDescription": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
      "images": [
          "index": "string",
          "url": "",
          "altText": "pizza",
          "description": "string",
          "isCloudImage": true,
          "size": "string"
  "familyGroups": [
      "familyGroupItemId": 0,
      "name": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
      "consumerName": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
      "consumerDescription": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
      "images": [
          "index": "string",
          "url": "",
          "altText": "pizza",
          "description": "string",
          "isCloudImage": true,
          "size": "string"
  "allergens": [
      "allergenId": "string",
      "name": {
        "en-US": "Coffee",
        "de-DE": "Kaffee",
        "ar-AR": "قهوة"
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