Routing Events to Central

When routing local events, be aware of the following:

  • The system disables the routing button after the event is routed and enables it again when Central accepts the event.
  • You can route a local event for the first time even if there are multiple Oracle Argus Affiliate follow-up receipt dates entered.
  • When you route a local event after the first time and all the Oracle Argus Affiliate Follow-up Receipt Dates are blank or grayed out (read-only), the system does not permit routing and presents a popup message.
  • After successfully routing a local event, the system makes the following fields read-only:
    • Oracle Argus Affiliate Follow-up Receipt Dates
    • Oracle Argus Affiliate General Receipt Date
    • Oracle Argus Affiliate General Affiliate Date
    • Oracle Argus Affiliate Follow-up Safety Date
    • Significant Checkbox
  • After successfully routing a local event, the system grays out all the existing follow-up date rows; you cannot delete the grayed out rows.

To route events to Central:

  1. Open the event that is to be routed to Central.
  2. The AE Entry tab opens when the event is opened.
    AE Entry tab
  3. Open the Local Info tab.
    Local Info tab
  4. Scroll to the Routing Comments section and click Route to open the Local Affiliate dialog box.
  5. Click OK to open the Routing Confirmation dialog box.
    Routing Confirmation dialog box
  6. Enter your Password and Comment and click OK.
  7. When the Route to Central dialog appears opens, click OK.
Route to Central dialog box

For more information, see: