Field Descriptions

The following table lists and describes the fields in the Administrator section

Field/Control Name Description

User Name

Enter the full name.

User ID

Enter a unique user identification (ID).

Reset Password

Reset the password of a user to a default value specified in the common profile section.

Email Address

Enter the user's e-mail address.


Assigns the user to a site.

The values in this field are populated from the codelist item User Sites.

User Group - Select

Attaches the user to pre-configured user groups.

User Type

Select the type of user, such as an Oracle Argus Safety Japan user from the drop-down list.

Application Access

Configure user access settings for Oracle Argus Safety Console and Oracle Argus Safety.

The default application access for the user can be selected from the list.

Worklist to display at login

Configure users to see their worklists immediately upon login. The options are:

  • None (default) - Does not open any worklist when the user logs into Oracle Argus Safety. Displays personal Oracle Argus Safety status on login.
  • Action Items - Opens Worklist - Action Items screen for the user on login into Oracle Argus Safety
  • New - Opens Worklist - New screen for the user on login into Oracle Argus Safety
  • Open - Opens Worklist - Open screen for the user on login to Oracle Argus Safety.
  • Reports - Opens Worklist - Reports screen for the user on login into Oracle Argus Safety

Enable site security

If Enable Security is checked, the site-based data security will be enabled for the user.

If the box is not checked, the user will have full access to data from all sites.

Enable LDAP Login

Authenticates users against the active directory server.

When Enable LDAP Login is selected, all fields inside the Access section are disabled, excluding the Account Disabled option.

Account Disabled

When this option is selected, the user account is temporarily disabled to prevent users from logging in. This option is different from deleting a user as it enables the Administrator to re-activate the account at a later date.

Security Disabled Account

  • When unchecked, the login procedure keeps track of the number of consecutive unsuccessful attempts at logging into the system. If the count reaches three, the login procedure will always fail the password validation to lock the user out. Administrators with rights to user maintenance can reset the login attempts for the user to unlock the account.
  • When checked, the login procedure that tracks the consecutive unsuccessful attempts at logging into the system do not apply.

Force password change at login

If this check box is selected, the users must change the password the first time user logs on to the system after the checkbox is checked.

Force password to expire every

Enables the Administrator to force the user's password to expire in the specified number of days.


Enables the Administrator to enter the number of days after which the password should expire.

__ Days remaining

The field displays the number of days remaining for the password change.

Allow unblinding of cases

Enables the user to unblind a study case.

For example, a user without unblinding rights will not see the Study Drug field. A user with unblinding rights sees a yellow Unblind tag next to concentration of product field and the Broken by Sponsor option in Blinding Status drop-down list is enabled. User will have to enter password when user selects Broken by Sponsor' option.

Protect from unblinded information

When checked, the user cannot view any unblinded information.

Protect from printing unblinded information

When checked, the user cannot print any unblinded information.

Allow locking of cases

Enables the user, to lock/unlock the cases.

Allow closing of cases

Enables the user to close the cases.

Route on close case

Opens a routing dialog when the user closes the case.

Enable Checklist on Route

By default, this checkbox is selected.

If this checkbox is not selected, the checklist for the Workflow is not displayed to the user while routing the cases, even if the rule that is being used has a checklist.