General Tab

The General tab displays the general information about the report. The information on this tab cannot be modified. The following is an illustration of the General tab.

The following tables lists and describes the fields on the General tab.

Field Description


Displays the Reporting Destination for which the report is scheduled.


Displays the User Group to which the report is assigned.

Date Generated

Displays the date when the report was generated.

Date Submitted

Displays the date when the report was submitted.

Report Type

Displays the Expedited Report Form of the report.


Displays the language in which the report has been made.

Date Due

Displays the date when the report is due.

Date Transmitted

Displays the date when the report was transmitted.

Case Nullification Date

Displays the date when the case was nullified.

Case Nullification Reason

Displays the reason entered when a case is logically deleted in Argus.