Pending Submission Tab

The following is an illustration of the Pending Submission tab.

Pending Submission tab

The following table lists and describes the fields on the Pending Submission tab.

Field Description

Local Affiliate

Enables you to select the local affiliate to be viewed.

Date Range

Enables you to specify a date range for searching report during a period.


If a Date Range is selected, the From and To fields get populated automatically.


Enables you to manually enter the start date for the search period.


Enables you to manually enter the last date for a search period.


View Report

View Draft Report

Enables you to view the draft report.

Report Details

Enables you with the option of viewing report details.

Local Event Number

Displays the Local Event Number of unsubmitted reports. Click this link to view the report in a PDF.

Central Case Number

Displays the Central Case Number of unsubmitted reports.

Central Country of Incidence

Enter the country where the adverse event occurred. Enter the partial two-character code, the country name, or the three-character code. Oracle Argus Safety will decode the entry. The Administrator can adjust the information in this list.


Displays the destination of unsubmitted reports.

Report Form

Displays the type of report form for the report. Click this link to view the report in a PDF.

Days Late

Displays the days by which the report had been delayed in its non-submission.

Submission Date

Displays the date when the report was due for submission.