Customizing an ETL Execution Plan/Load Plan (ODI)

When you customize an ETL Execution Plan/Load Plan (ODI), it is your responsibility to maintain version control over changes to ETL mappings/interfaces.

Oracle recommends that you carefully track the changes you make to Oracle-supplied ETL so that you can re-apply these changes in subsequent releases.


The ETL Execution Plans that extract data for the data mart fact tables assume that the dimensions to which each fact is related are up-to-date at the time the fact ETL Execution Plans are executed. This assumption is the basis for certain fact calculations that would provide erroneous results if the assumption were not true.

As shipped, Oracle Argus Analytics ETL workflows ensure this interlock by executing the ETL for related dimensions immediately before running the ETL for a fact.

This is standard data mart management practice, but especially important, given the interdependence of the dimensions and the fact. The need to execute dimension ETL immediately before corresponding fact ETL, and the danger of not doing it, is emphasized here because it is possible (though discouraged) to modify these shipped workflows.